The Great Gatsby Downfall

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False hope and a dream with critical flaws, led to the demise of the “Great” Gatsby. However, one must think a man with such precision and relentless drive towards his goal would have the audacity to think of the future, and the flaws that present themselves with repeating a past fantasy. Mr. Gatsby, engulfed with this dream of a love between him and Daisy could not fathom a future without her. Losing grip of his past fantasized reality with Daisy, he leapt for a final attempt- to get the girl. Even so, Gatsby couldn’t hold on; and the tragic event bestowed upon Gatsby was caused by his relentlessness in pursuing a better forthcoming where he could manipulate the future to recreate the past. This created a prolonged fantasy, which ended in …show more content…

Scott Fitzgerald: “… he (Gatsby) had been beating his way… as a clam digger and a salmon fisher or in any other capacity that brought him food…” (105). Growing up as Jay Gatz, he was very misunderstood. Gatsby believed that he was a spawn of God, and goes even further when he declares his parent are not his. So when the chance finally arrived for Gatsby to flee his black and white life, and spring into color, he gratefully took the opportunity and ran. Transforming into this mysterious and almost God like- being, in his own right, Gatsby created this persona in which he truly believed that his future could be whatever he wanted it to be. This came at a cost; Gatsby finally realized that his future could fall apart. Gatsby’s realization occurred when Tom destroyed Gatsby’s image in front of Daisy, Nick describes the event, “But with every word she was drawing further … so he gave that up and only the dead dream fought on as the afternoon slipped away…” (Fitzgerald 144). Gatsby struggled, because he built this future on an imagined reality, where one fault would extinguish the life Gatsby so desperately fought …show more content…

Gatsby’s life was forever changed once they met, he recalls, “I can’t describe to you how surprised I was to find out I loved her.... I was, way off my ambitions, getting deeper in love every minute, and all of a sudden I didn’t care. What was the use of doing great things if I could have a better time telling her what I was going to do?”(Fitzgerald 160). Gatsby life would now and forever be focused on his love for Daisy; sadly that’s what he died trying to do. The memories of Daisy kept Gatsby’s mind filled with possibility of a life with love and passion; however Gatsby was blinded by the fact that Daisy had created a life without him. Gatsby had tunnel vision and never seemed to get his eyes off the prize- Daisy. All Gatsby ever wanted was her love, and when he felt her slipping away he began to close in, until it was too

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