The Grapes Of Wrath Chapter 7 Analysis

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In the Grapes of Wrath, Tom Joad learns a valuable lesson from the long trip with his family. Living in poverty taught Tom how poorly people in the United States were living and how it should not continue. His friend Casy started to lead a revolution and unfortunately died in front of Tom. This inspired him to do something similar, considering he could not stay with his family. Inspired by the words and actions of his friend Casy, Tom decides to start a revolution and fight for better living conditions, even if it leads to his death. In chapter 28, an amazing change happens to Tom Joad. Instead of running away to Los Angeles, like his mother suggested, Tom decides to be the start of a revolution. A piece of scripture, told to him by his friend Casy, has inspired him to speak for the people who are suffering like his family. He explains that the piece of scripture has helped him realize that those who are suffering are all united in one big soul. Tom believes that it's his job to protect their soul and bring justice to it by helping others realize the same thing he has. …show more content…

Both Tom and Casy mention one big soul that everyone is a part of and believe that they need to bring justice to it. Unlike other characters in the book, Casy and Tom believe that a human-to-human connection is more important than a person's connection to their land. This shapes Tom's character and helps him realize the importance of keeping the family together and ultimately helps him make the decision to leave. In order to give his family a chance at getting out of poverty and keep them together, he runs off to keep them out of

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