The Golden Ages : Greece, Rome, and China

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The Golden Ages : Greece, Rome, and China

The Golden Ages of Greece, Rome, and China were periods when certain cultures reached many achievements in certain fields. These fields could include drama, poetry, sculpture, philosophy, architecture, math or science. Their achievements in education, technology, and government have greatly influenced modern society. The artistic and literal legacies of these periods continue to instruct and inspire people today (Beck 120).

In Ancient Greece, the great heights that were reached in education, technology, and government led them to their Golden Age. Included in the vast education of Greece were philosophy and literature. Socrates was one of the most famous philosophers of that time. He was a very powerful thinker and developed a question and answer method of teaching known as the "Socratic Method" (Watson 63). Socrates was accused of corrupting the youth of Athens and neglecting the city's gods. For this he was put on trial and the jury sentenced him to death. He chose to die slowly by drinking the poison hemlock. Another noted philosopher was Plato. He had studied with Socrates. Plato opened a school known as "The Academy", which lasted for about 900 years (Watson 63). One of Plato's students was the famous Aristotle, who followed in Plato's footsteps and opened a school of his own, called "The Lyceum" (Watson 63). In the field of literature, Homer was known for composing his epic adventures. These were the "Iliad" and the "Odyssey"(Clapham 53). His epics were narrative poems that celebrated heroic deeds (Clapham 53). Greece's technological advances consist of architecture and sculpture. One of the most important pieces of architecture was the Parthenon. The Parthenon was built to h...

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...d other systems used today. My essay helps us to recognize the great achievements of the Golden Ages of Greece, Rome, and China. I question wether or not we would have excelled as far in our fields of education today if many of the foundations had not been set for us in these Classical Periods.



Capham, F. Ancient Civilizations New York: Warwick Press, 1978

Cotterell, A. and Yong Yap. The Early Civilizations of China

New York: Yong Yap and Cotterell, 1975

Falls, C.B. The First 3000 Years: Ancient Civilizations of the Tigris, Euphrates and Nile River Valleys and the Mediterranean Sea New York: The Viking Press, 1960

Watson, Jane Werner. Greece: Land of Gold Light Illinois: Garrard Publishing Company, 1967

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