The Golden Age Of Piracy Research Paper

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You probably have read several stories that have been told about famous pirates. Many people have been captivated by pirates and the adventures they endure. Most pirate stories romanticize pirates and what happens in piracy by explaining about what some pirates would do to each other, the Golden Age of Piracy, and famous myths about pirates. To begin with, many people visualize pirates as ruthless madmen that tormented innocent people mercilessly. But many pirates were just the opposite. People known as privateers, for example, Francis Drake, Walter Raleigh, and John Hawkins, were hired by the British government to attack and plunder foreign country ships. Certain countries would also pay privateers for protection. In The Golden Age of Piracy,it says, “After the American Revolution, the United States agreed to pay money for immunity from attack.” This shows that countries paid pirates not to attack them for a specific period of time. This contract would be broken if the country refused to pay the pirates, or the pirates went against their word. …show more content…

Starting in the 1500’s, people were becoming pirates in swarms. There were several reasons, some of them were you could’ve been an unemployed sailor and recruited by a pirate crew, or you could also become a pirate in search of adventure and fame. During this time, a new kind of pirate became known as buccaneers. Buccaneers were mainly outlaws who fled their country and banded together to form a crew. In Pirates and Piracy, it states, “buccaneers began to terrorize sailors in the West Indies. Many Islands and harbors there made perfect hiding places.” This evidence explains that buccaneers mostly raided in one place, unlike pirates, who raided all over the

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