The Globalization Of The World Is Flat By Flatman

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The World is Flat is a historical and geographical journey book because of the several trips that made by Friedman around the world to be able to analyze the concept of globalization in the 21st century . The title is an allegory to image the world today as a playground of play and competition between players , where each player has equal opportunities with the others. Friedman emphasizes the need for awareness of the countries ,peoples , companies and individuals in order to continue to compete in the market. Fred calls himself "free trader" because he is a believer of that change that will happen because of globalization. In the book, Friedman goes on a trip to India to discover that globalization can bring a radical change in the economic concepts .

Levels of Globalization

Friedman classifies the three levels of globalization into three levels. First, in globalization 1.0 , countries and governments were playing the major role of marketing movement. In globalization 2.0, companies were the way to economic integration and globalization. The third level of globalization 3.0 defines the flattering as a result of joining a personal computer with an internet cable and developing software.

The 10 Flatteners

In this book, the writer defines 10 causes that determine the levels of globalization these days . These 10 Flatteners are:
1- The collapse of berlin wall: The author does not talk about the end of the Cold War, but he used it as an example and description of globalization. The fall of the Berlin Wall, which is the fall of Communism, enables people on the other side of the wall to participate in the economic movement. The writer explained that the fall of the wall has melted the barriers between people, whic...

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...o all Iraqi university students so students will keep up with the world and be creative. Government support is required.
In my opinion, the development of the educational system is the foundation to renaissance Iraq. If you were in the position of the Ministry of Education, I would provided an iPad for each student .I would cooperate with some companies to provide fast Internet and free in all universities , and I would worked on the scholarship programs to make students get to know the recent important developments technology in the Western world .
After all, I do not want to be optimistic, nor pessimistic at the same time. I do not think that there will be a radical change in the near future, but keep betting on the security and political situation ,and how they will affect the concept of globalization and its dimensions in Iraq in the future.

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