The Glass Castle Reflection

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I have always loved hearing quirky stories. I enjoy listening to the eccentric tales about one’s life and one’s adventures. I like imagining myself on that same page, doing the exact same things. The Glass Castle has given me that and so much more. Not once would I have thought that such tales would exist. Focusing on some of the major events in the lives of the members of the Walls family, it has shed light to many of the unconventional ways the family lives. Also, it has portrayed the essence of being resilient and finding one’s self despite all the odds and diversities. The story is portrayed through the point of view of the second daughter, Jeanette. Through the course of the book, her respect, love and admiration for her father, Rex Walls, is highlighted. Despite all the times Rex has failed her, she still holds on to that last strand of faith that her father would redeem himself, that maybe, he can …show more content…

Every page adds a depth to the story, every word is a haunting reminder that no matter how unbelievable the events may be, everything was real, that it happened to someone and could also be happening to someone else. The hardships every Walls children faced opened my eyes to actually see what is going on, and through this, I was able to understand what courage truly meant and what facing one's fears is actually about. Jeanette Walls is the epitome of a strong woman because together with her brother and sisters, she was able to battle all the uncertainties and doubts that came her way, she also surpassed all that is expected of her since she was more than able to fulfill her responsibilities as a sister and a daughter. Not only this, I also learned that there's nothing better than knowing that your loved ones are by your side, more than willing to support your decisions just like how it was with the Walls

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