The Giver And Modern Day Society Essay

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The Giver Embedded Assessment “He killed it! My father killed it!” Imagine a world where babies are killed because they don't weigh as much as their twin. In the book, The Giver by Lois Lowry, the protagonist, Jonas feels trapped in this numb, heartless world and feels he needs to escape. He undergoes a journey where he figures out how life was before him. While Jonas’ society is emotionless with no love, experiences Sameness, and does not have the freedom to choose, modern day society is free to love, celebrates individuality and has the freedom to choose. One difference between Jonas’ society and modern day society is the lack of love. When Jonas asked his father and mother if they loved him his father's response was, “Jonas.You, of all people. Precision of language, please! (Lowry 159)” The word love is used so little in Jonas’ community that it’s nearly obsolete. Unlike Jonas’ society, modern day society is free to love, therefore, if I would go home and ask my family if they love me, they would respond with, “Of course,” or “You know I love you very much.” In Jonas’ society there is no love. However, not only do they have no love but they also experience Sameness. …show more content…

In his society, everything is all about Sameness because nobody can have individuality. “If everything’s the same, then there aren’t any choices! I want to wake up and decide things! (Lowry 123)” Jonas said with frustration. This quote reveals that in Jonas’ society, there isn’t any individuality and they celebrate Sameness. On the other hand, modern day society celebrates individuality. For example, modern day celebrates individual birthdays, depending on what day of the year you were born. As you can see, Sameness plays a huge role in their community however, in addition to Jonas’ society having no love and experiencing Sameness, his society also does not have the freedom to

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