The Girl Who Was Plugged In Analysis

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Physical appearances play a large role in current day society and in science fiction short stories. In the two short stories “Something to Hitch Meat to” (Hopkinson) and “The Girl Who Was Plugged In” (Tiptree), physical appearance proved to be a large factor of success and the main point discussed in both stories. The authors of these short stories accurately predicted the emphasis that current day society has put on physical attractiveness. Science fiction short stories are not far off from the current day relationship that society has regarding physical appearance and attractiveness. Technology has greatly influenced how people in a society view others and as technology has continued to grow, a new wave of discrimination, unhealthy competition, …show more content…

Tiptree’s prediction in her short story was regarding beauty in the television and advertisement industry. In the 70s, this was not as prevalent of an issue, but as technology has continued to advance and the demand for beautiful people to be the face of many advertisements and television shows, the more accurate this story has become. Hopkinson’s short story was written more recently, in 2001. The author during this time would have more knowledge and experience with how much technology has effected society’s mindset towards physical attractiveness. The internet had been in use by the general public for about 10 years at this point; and television and advertisement was able to dominate a whole new demographic. According to a recent study by UK disability charity Scope 1500 Facebook and Twitter users surveyed, “62 percent reported feeling inadequate and 60 percent reported feelings of jealousy from comparing themselves to other users” (Abrams). People see close to everything about everyone they know on a daily basis. Social media is used as an outlet to keep in touch with friends and family, but when doing so you are putting your life on display. Comparing yourself to how other people are living is not a healthy way to use social …show more content…

Society promotes unrealistic physical appearance ideals by producing advertisements which have been altered to fit cultural desires. These cultural desires have caused prejudice and discrimination in the professional world as well as in daily life. People who do not fit these ideals are found to have lower pay and experiences of discrimination in the workplace. These ideals have also caused an increase in mental health problems caused by the unhealthy competition and comparisons that have become and obsession from the infinite access to other people’s lives. It is important to acknowledge the detrimental effects due to technological advancements because we may find ourselves falling into the trap of obsession with cultural ideals that are physically impossible to

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