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The enlightenment quizlet
Historical context of the age of enlightenment
The age of enlightenment
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The Enlightenment
The Enlightenment is a name given by historians to an intellectual movement that was predominant in the Western world during the 18th century. Strongly influenced by the rise of modern science and by the aftermath of the long religious conflict that followed the Reformation, the thinkers of the Enlightenment (called philosophes in France) were committed to secular views based on reason or human understanding only, which they hoped would provide a basis for beneficial changes affecting every area of life and thought.
The more extreme and radical philosophes-Denis Diderot, Claude Adrien Helvetius, Baron d'Holbach, the Marquis de Condorcet, and Julien Offroy de La Mettrie (1709-51)--advocated a philosophical rationalism deriving its methods from science and natural philosophy that would replace religion as the means of knowing nature and destiny of humanity; these men were materialists, pantheists, or atheists. Other enlightened thinkers, such as Pierre Bayle, Voltaire, David Hume, Jean Le Rond D'alembert, and Immanuel Kant, opposed fanaticism, but were either agnostic or left room for some kind of religious faith.
All of the philosophes saw themselves as continuing the work of the great 17th century pioneers-Francis Bacon, Galileo, Descartes, Leibnitz, Isaac Newton, and John Locke-who had developed fruitful methods of rational and empirical inquiry and had demonstrated the possibility of a world remade by the application of knowledge for human benefit. The philosophes believed that science could reveal nature as it truly is and show how it could be controlled and manipulated. This belief provided an incentive to extend scientific methods into every field of inquiry, thus laying the groundwork for the development of the modern social sciences.
The enlightened understanding of human nature was one that emphasized the right to self-expression and human fulfillment, the right to think freely and express one's views publicly without censorship or fear of repression. Voltaire admired the freedom he found in England and fostered the spread of English ideas on the Continent. He and his followers opposed the intolerance of the established Christian churches of their day, as well as the European governments that controlled and suppressed dissenting opinions. For example, the social disease which Pangloss caught from Paquette was traced to a "very learned Franciscan" and later to a Jesuit. Also, Candide reminisces that his passion for Cunegonde first developed at a Mass. More conservative enlightened thinkers, concerned primarily with efficiency and administrative order, favored the "enlightened despotism" of such monarchs as Emperor Joseph II, Frederick II of Prussia, and Catherine II of Russia.
Mini-Q Essay A time period known as The Age of Reason or The Enlightenment was when philosophy, politics, science and social communications changed drastically. It helped shape the ideas of capitalism and democracy, which is the world we live in today. People joined together to discuss areas of high intellect and creative thoughts. The Enlightenment was a time period in which people discussed new ideas, and educated people, known as philosophers, all had a central idea of freedom of choice and the natural right of individuals. These philosophers include John Locke, Voltaire, Adam Smith, and Mary Wollstonecraft.
This does not, however, dismiss the reality of torture in Chile nor soften Cavanaugh’s criticisms of “distinction of planes” ecclesiologies. Church paradigms such as Maritain’s New Christendom have led Catholics in Chile and elsewhere to buy into a “devil’s bargain” wherein the Church confines itself to the social, or spiritual, realm and allows the state to dominate in the political, or temporal, realm (196). Such ecclesiologies simultaneously facilitate the Church’s disappearance as a societal body and strip the Church of any tangible ability to counteract the actions of oppressive governments. The Chilean church’s ecclesiology had real, disastrous consequences for Chileans under the Pinochet regime – consequences that perhaps could have been mitigated under a different ecclesiological
The date September 11th is not only a date of terror for the United States, but for the country Chile it also marks the anniversary of a new error of fear. On September 11th, 1973 General Augusto Pinochet overthrew President Salvador Allende, a democratically elected socialist. For seventeen years after this Pinochet dictated over Chile and caused for the murder of over three thousand Chileans, the disappearance of over a thousand, and the torture and jailing of tens of thousands more. What might be even more shocking though, is that the United States had a direct contribution to this brutal dictators rise. The United States’ fear of communist nations developing and the ignorance of secretary of state Kissinger to mention the human rights abuses that Pinochet was responsible for, allowed for the United States to assist in the brutal tyranny (Kornbluh 2003, pages 19-22).
Ensalaco, Mark. Chile under Pinochet: Recovering the Truth. Philadelphia, PA: University of Pennsylvannia Press, 2000.
The military attacks on the people of Chile began in September 1973, and the disappeared would become thousands of citizens who were murdered or kidnapped during the 16 year reign of the Pinochet ideology ending with president Aylwin. From 1973 to 1983, thousands of people would disappear overnight never to be seen again into the 500 concentration camps where they would be tortured and murdered in Argentina. The people of Argentina crimes were to speak out against the inhumane conditions around them. The tormenters would eventually be brought to justice in Argentina, but Chile, Salvador, Nicaragua would never bring their perpetrators to justice.
Program UNIT will definitely back the Multiethnic Placement Act, commonly known as MEPA of 1994. This act was set forth to keep children of color from staying in the system longer than necessary because parents of their own race and cultural groups are not obtainable. Race should not be factored in when dealing with adoption but it is. Religions and education often are factors that determine whether adoption will transpire. Many studies show the higher up the education ladder you ...
Argentina and Chile experienced similar periods of extreme human rights violations. The response of the international human rights regime to the crimes against humanity, and the pressure placed on these count...
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The British public’s view on the monarchy has changed tremendously over the past two centuries. Because of this, the monarchy’s social and political roles have been steadily declining. The reasons behind this are the Great Reform Bill of 1832, growing political parties, and the actions of the Royal Family.
...g and adoption clearly demonstrate that there is still an underlying current of racism in the policies and practices being employed by the childcare professionals that is inadvertently trapping too many vulnerable children within the care system. Nevertheless, whilst it is socially acceptable for ethnic minority children to be fostered indefinitely by white families it is deemed unacceptable for the same families to adopt their happy fostered ethnic minority children. Furthermore, it is tragic that children, who are successfully transracially adopted, have their adoptions classed as failures as they have been achieved at the expense of the child’s ethnic identity. Despite evidence that transracial adoptees are psychologically well adjusted and are able to employ cultural socialization strategies to overcome the problems associated with transracial adoption.
...ion will say that parents who adopt children of different ethnicities are not capable of caring or educating the child simply because of the cultural differences. The critics opinion has merit in the since that the parents cannot teach the child to be their race but they can provide love and raise them to be responsible adults. In the end we must consider which is more important, being able to find a child a loving family when race is not a factor or waiting for an indefinite time to try to find a family of the same race. If you are thinking about which is more important remember that for every twenty children who are in foster care at least nine of them wait an extended amount of time to be adopted. All children deserve a loving home and although we live in an imperfect society our children should not have to experience the feeling of not being wanted or loved.
In the wake of WWII, the western world was in a state of perpetual fear. After seeing Marxist influence make a shocking impact wherever it landed, the rise of the Soviet Union, the 26rd of July movement in Cuba, and numerous other revolutions with the goal of radical social and political reforms, the world was divided by two mutually exclusive and hostile ideologies: capitalism and Marxism. The two major superpowers of the time, the U.S.A. and the Soviet Union were at opposite ends of the spectrum. The Marxist revolutions of Europe and Russia gave inspiration to many Latin American revolutionaries. The U.S. wanted to ensure that communism and leftist regimes did not spread, particularly in Latin America, where leftist regimes would especially threaten U.S. business interest. The U.S. for over a century had been imperializing Latin America under a series of façades and in the mid-20th century, McCarthyism became the new catch-all excuse to interfere with the affairs of a sovereign nation. Under the guise of containing the spread of communism, many Latin American governments that tried to deviate from the practice of serving U.S. interest were overthrown with the funding and instruction of the U.S. It was with the watchful and accusing eye of Uncle Sam looming over Latin America that in 1970, that Unidad Popular candidate, Salvador Allende, was democratically elected President of Chile. Even before Allende assumed the presidency, oppositional forces were conspiring to destroy him, everything he was to accomplish, and the pro-working class ideology that he represented. The events that occurred in the three years that his presidency endured and which lead to the coup d’état of Pinochet were the product of U.S. hostility towards any t...
In 1973, Chile witnessed the emergence of a militaristic leader – Augusto Pinochet. The Pinochet dictatorship that controlled Chile during this period led to a society that was filled with fear, repression and suffering. It has been argued by some, such as Alicia Frohmann and Teresa Valdés, that this was especially true for women in Chile who were active in the struggle for survival . Clandestinely, women began to form ‘underground’ organisations that played a significant role in opposing the dictatorship as the government develop...
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Barria, L., & Roper, S. (2010). The Development of institutions of human rights: A comparative stud. Palgrave Macmillan: New York.