The Effects of Western Imperialism on China and Japan

618 Words2 Pages

The Effects of Western Imperialism on China and Japan

China and Japan had very different experiences with Western Imperialism .

Their reactions to western interference would lay a foundation for their destiny

in a world that was rapidly progressing forward , leaving the traditional world

behind .

China viewed themselves as totally self sufficient , superior , and the

only truly civilized land in a barbarous world. They were inward looking and

were encouraged by the conservative Confucianistic beliefs of their emperors to

cling to the ancient and traditional ways of the past . They slid rapidly behind

in industrial development , refusing to acknowledge the need for shipbuilding or

naval development , and saw no importance in European trade .

Then in the 1800's , Europe thrust its way into the heart of the Middle

Kingdom, shattering and destroying its isolation forever. China would then be

involved in four wars during the nineteenth century ; Britain's opium war (1839-

1842), a second war (1856-1860) fought by British and French , the Sino-Japanese

war (1894-1895) , and a final western invasion involving British , French ,

German , Japanese and U.S troops (1899-1900). Chinese Emperors were compelled to

sign unequal treaties and were forced to open a number of ports , as well as

agree to other territorial concessions . China was also forced to open its

seacoasts and its rivers to Western intruders . The Europeans also exploited

China's land...

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