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What are the effects of stress on students academic performance
Effects of stress on teenagers
Stress in teens
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In high school, students will experience a wide range of emotions, feelings, and emotional, physical and mental strains. The major strain that almost every student will face is stress. As Pope (2010) says, “More than 70 percent of the high school students reported that they felt often or always stressed by their schoolwork, and many admitted to taking illegal stimulants to stay awake to study and complete the lengthy homework assignments each night (p.5).” Whether the students are stressing over a test, their grade point average, their college acceptance, or even their upcoming sporting event, high school students experience stress on a daily basis. These high levels of stress at such a young age are a chronic health risk. Schools should Some of the effects of school stress on students are, physical illness, anxiety, depression, irritability, social withdrawal, and even in some severe cases drug and alcohol experimentation and addiction. Physically, the stress takes an obvious toll on the students’ well-being. The students stay up to the late hours of the night in an effort to study for a test or quiz or to try to finish all of their homework. The next day the students will be extremely tired and sleep deprived. This will result in a lack of focus from the students in class. Stress on high school students has various negative effects on them. As Sedere, Conner et al, Copeland, Wilde, and Muir write, “Continued exposure to school-related stressors often leads to physical, emotional, and behavioral symptoms, such as fatigue, irritably, depression, and decrease in academic performance (qtd. in Blazer, 2010, p. 2).” The school-related stress students feel has multiple negative and harmful effects on their health. There have been many witnessed outcomes and even many reliable sources who experienced first-hand the effects of school related stress. Stress takes a toll on the students mentally as well. Wedner, Koedijer, and Budde (2014) have added to the argument that stress negatively affects students. They write, “Regarding the effects of psychological stress on motor skills most Many health experts have recommended various tips and suggestions to help relieve the stress. These tips are directed toward the schools, the parents of the high school students, and even the students themselves. Examples of these tips are to revise the testing and homework policy, to emphasize learning over grades, and to think positive. The schools need to push the idea of students actually learning the materials they are taught rather than just cramming for a test then forgetting. Many schools have changed their daily schedules and revised their homework, and their testing policies (Blazer 2010, p.9). Students will benefit from the schools actively making the effort to reduce the stress the students feel. The students need to feel comfortable at school and, with these changes, they finally
While the public is aware of some of the basic effects that stress can have through educational and medical exposure, but there is still plenty of information that the general population is missing. Part of the reasoning for why the general population may not have wide spread knowledge concerning stress and its fatal effects is the lack of attention stress is given in educational and medical settings, medical professionals for many people across the world don’t educate and check their patients on the stress they may be experiencing, schools also do a poor job of educating their students on the topic of stress and essentially ignore students who may be undergoing tremendous amounts of stress from school, extracurricular activities within or outside of school, issues at home or with friends, etc. Another issue concerning the lack of knowledge about stress among the general population is the idea that communicating about stress with family, friends, health professionals is
Stress comes from many areas of life especially as an adult student incorporating school at a time in life when family and work are paramount. “Adults just returning to school have substantially higher anxiety about school in general and writing in particular than younger students.”3 Stress, best described by its "synonyms: strain, pressure, (nervous) tension, worry, anxiety, trouble, difficultly"1 has a medical history "According to the American Psychological Association, the majority of office visits to the doctor involve stress-related complaints, and stress is linked to the six leading causes of death: heart disease, cancer, lung ailments, accidents, cirrhosis of the liver, and suicide."2 If managed, stress can be a way to inform me; learning how to recognize my level of stress capacity is important. The Holmes-Rahe Life Stress Inventory 5 http://www.stress.org/holmes-rahe-stress-inventory/ is a list of stressful events that contribute to illness. My personal score on this life stress inventory is 236; I fall in the category of about a fifty percent chance of a major health breakdown in the next...
Many students who feel the pressure to succeed at the high school level have an unhealthy amount of stress. Students who feel this have been cheating, pulling all nighters, becoming depressed, and seeking relief in drug use, and self mutilation. On average in a recent study at Illinois high school students spend 3.07 hours of homework each night on just homework not including extra curricular activities(Jerushapope,2). Also in this high school students reported getting 6.8 hours of sleep each night, but 34.6% reported getting 6 or fewer hours of sleep(Jerushapope,2). Most high school students spend 2 hours of extra curricular activity each night thats not including homework so after those activities you have to come home and do homework and then you will not have a lot of time to sleep. Also most kids do not get a lot of time to spend with their parents during the weeknights. Some kids cannot even make it to the dinner table because they have so much homework and that is not healthy for the parents and their childs relationship. In ...
Stress is an important problem faced by many college students, especially first year students, and it can have some large impacts on college freshmen. For example, according to Hirsch and Keniston (1970), about half of first year students do not graduate from college due to dropping out (p. 1-20). Also, David Leonhardt (2009) agrees that the United States excels at putting “teenagers in college, but only half of students who enroll end up with a bachelor’s degree” (p. 1). In addition, the level of stress seems to increase each year. For instance, the National Health Ministries (2006) claim that many college students have become “more overwhelmed and stressed” than the student generation of the last fifteen years (p. 2). Also, the percentage of first year students feeling stressed is greater than thirty percent (National Health Ministries 2006). If the problem of stress is not resolved properly, th...
Stress is the pressure or strain from an external situation. Stress can affect a person’s life from eating habits to sleeping patterns (e.g. eating disorders, irregular sleep patterns) (Myers et al., 2012). Approximately 83% of adults believe stress is a contributor to health related issues (e.g. heart disease, depression) (The Impact of Stress). Research conducted by Myers et al. reported 70% of students were affected by one or more stressors (e.g. financial, academic, health, relationships). Females reported being more stressed than males (Lin, Spector, & Shi, 2008; Myers et al.). Most females in this study reported their biggest stre...
The utmost top scoring students at schools often exhibit an unbelievable amount of intelligence and participate in an abundance of interesting extracurricular activities. Interestingly, there is an unexplained part of the story behind these amazing students’ success, which is described in the book “Doing School”: How We Are Creating a Generation of Stressed Out, Materialistic, and Miseducated Students, by Denise Clark Pope, in which Pope interviews and shadows a random assortment of students at Faircrest High School. This book flawlessly supports my topic about the amount of stress that is truly beneficial to students as Pope reveals the consequences stress has on them, such as the hardships they face regularly and
Personal health should be a persons first and chief concern, however in a school environment that values grades over personal well being it can become difficult to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Many factors can contribute to bad or poor health in college students, stress is one of the major problems for the majority of college level students; however a poor diet and a lack of sleep may also cause students to fall ill or do poorly in their classes. There are many steps that students can take to ensure that they have a healthy mind and body even in a high stress college environment. Students should strive to maintain a healthy diet, a regular sleep schedule, good personal care and a regular exercise routine in order to sustain their overall well being.
The events may pile up, as the student may not know how to externally or internally handle the situation. If the adolescent does not have a healthy way of managing the stressors, than he/she may turn to self-destructive behaviors. These behaviors may include alcohol and personal drug use, prolonged crying and sadness, running away from home, and impulsivity or recklessness. In today’s society, adolescents may turn to the use of marijuana, alcohol and tobacco because these substances provide an opportunity to demonstrate autonomy, challenge authority, or simply relieve the stress of growing up (Wilson, Hockenberry, & Wong, 2015, p.
Studies have shown that many college students are not able to handle the stress while in school, which hinders the ability for the brain to act in a normal way (Shahrokh and Hales, 2003). If a person is unable to deal with the stress that one is being faced with, it will have negative consequences in terms of causing several psychological disorders (Canby et al., 2014). Entering post-secondary education is a completely new environment for students, as it can be tough for many to adjust to the new surroundings. There are many factors that cause stress when students enter college, as it can include having the ability to deal with lower marks (Struthers et al., 2000) and having to create a new social life. Once and if a social life is established, it can cause more stress among students because it can lead into peer pressure that results in risky behavior. In particular, peer pressure can cause alcoholism or drug abuse (Seiffge-Krenke, 1990) or it can also cause unprotected sex. Not only does stress revolve around peer-pressure, but it can also be caused by headaches and lack of energy. If a student is constantly staying up late to finish assignments or to study, it can cause headaches from the lack of sleep; thus causing stress. With all the given factors, it can be hard to overcome these external factors which can ultimately lead to stress among
A significant percentage of college students spend their time on campus with a lot of stress. This is due to a tight schedule that requires them to balances class time, assignments, tests, projects and extra curriculum activities. Other students are attached to the corporate world notably adult education offered in our campus. The working lot fined it challenging to meet extra workload in their courses. The final exams have a difficult feeling for the candidates due to anxiety of passing. Cheating has become a modern trend in college life with 32% of students admitting that they have practices unethical conducts in their college life. College life has turned into a competitive field which has to be balanced on the pay slip when creating a budget. Even though life is full of stressing situations, experts argue that college life has emerged as a major cause of stress to students. Stresses can be limited or overcome once we understand the major roots of its occurrence in a different setting (Jason, 2011).The discourse determines the cause of stress among students in Strayer University. As mandated by the President of Strayer University, we are going to determine the cause of stress in college life and its effect on the economy and the victim at large. Strayer University is a for-profit higher education institution that offers degree program for working adults and undergraduate and graduate courses.
Today, many students report more anxiety due to stress than child psychiatric patients did in the 1950’s. In a 2006 survey of 1,300 students at a public high school in Needham, Massachusetts found that 58% of the students surveyed reported between a great deal of stress and extreme stress due to homework (Bennett and Kalish). Many students in today’s time, have so many things to do that it is difficult for them to come home, only to have to finish five to six hours of homework. This, with the added effects of after school activities and technology, only adds to the stress that is put on students.
College is a time of extreme stress due to societal and parental pressures. College students have expectations they have to live up to in order to fulfill and satisfy the needs of both their parents and society. Stress is expressed through a variety of symptoms that can be hazardous to student’s physical and mental health. With such high expectations to do well during college, students may become sleep deprived, which impairs mental capacity, but sleep deprivation is only one of a vast array of symptoms. Stress is present in all aspects of life and there are multiple causes of stress, especially, during the college period which may present itself through many symptoms, but with stress, there are also various coping methods to help students deal with it.
There are many ways that should be implemented in order to reduce the stress on students so that they can thrive because, without them, the school systems will only be creating generations of stressed out, materialistic, and miseducational students (Palmer, 2005). There are multiple causes when it comes to stressed out students. First, consider where the pressure is coming from for students to get good grades. Parents and teachers tend to be the main suspects. Parents want to see their kids succeed in everything they do, and grades are no different.
Academic stress is very common in student’s lives. Many students assume that making the academic experience their first priority now, will increase the chance of success in the future. School is an important aspect in most teenagers lives and by being so important a teenager can become depressed very effortlessly at school or because of school. Academic stress can take complete control over a student’s life, sometimes leading to depression. At school this may lead to poor attendance, a significant drop in grades or even annoyance with schoolwork, in a good student. There are many studies that have been performed to prove the correlation between responsibility in school and academic performance being the cause to academic stress. Just like there are numerous causes to academic there are also numerous cures, such as changing mind set and behavior. Academic stress is something majority of students in school can relate to and the cause of it can be something small as a bad grade on an evaluation, It will enforce the student to try harder in the future but it will for sure cause some sort of stress, even if it is for a moment. Stress from school can be one of the most essential causes of teen depression.
Teen stress is a big issue in today's society. Recent studies have shown that teens may develop more stress then adults. Few adults can remember the truth about adolescence. "Their minds "censor" their memories, and have them believe that being a teenager was was one big party, free of cares and responsibilities"( ). There aren't that many adults around who realize what adolescence was really like. The anguish, the fear, the anxiety, the stress. People don't remember those problems because they want to forget them. Stress is a significant problem for teens. There are many factors that lead into teen stress, such as school, drugs, peer pressure and relationships.