The Effect of Republican Policies on the 1920s Boom

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The Effect of Republican Policies on the 1920s Boom

Many Americans believed that they had the right to be prosperous. They

believed that it was a main aim in life to be able to have a decent

job where the pay is good. By having this they would be able to have a

nice house, good food to eat and the latest consumer items.

In the earlier decades, saving money for use in difficult times in the

future was seen as a good quality. As time passed, in the 1920s it was

seen as a good quality to spend money at the present time (living

comfortably now and worrying about the future when it comes). This

contributed to the sale of consumer goods within America.

Another cause for the Boom in the 1920s (The Roaring 20s/The Jazz Age)

was the First World War. America tried its best to stay out of the war

for as long as it could. By doing this, and letting the other

countries fight, they were able to make many sales to other countries

for items such as arms and munitions and foodstuffs as well. This

one-way trade gave American industry a real boost (also, whilst other

countries were fighting they were able to overtake them in certain

fields e.g. Germany had one of the worlds most successful chemical

industries but due to the war America was able to overtake them and

began selling chemical products to other countries).

The third factor behind the boom was Republican Policies. From 1920 to

1932 all the US Presidents were Republican, and Republicans also ruled

Congress. The Republicans believed that the government should not

interfere more than necessary in the everyday lives of the people and

of the businesses. They had a 'laissez-faire' attitude. They believed

that the job of the President was to leave the businessmen alone - to

do his job. That was where prosperity came from.

In 1920 Warren Harding won the election after committing himself to

not interfering with the economy, even though he was a serial

adulterer and one of the most corrupt incumbents of the Presidency.

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