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The Dystopian Future of Neuromancer
In reading a text like this one can look at it through the formalistic approach and gather aspects on different perspectives. In HCAL it instructs a reader to analyze a specific text by seeing the setting, certain styles, imagery, form, and texture. In William Gibsons book Neuromancer all these approaches can be seen. The novel takes place in the future and how Gibson portrays it will be. Every place is dark and gloomy with an illusion of dystopia; despair and unhappiness. Gibson's structure is very hard to follow, such as how he is repetitive with the description of people and the color pink.
Neuromancer, a book that brings the belief of the future to life, speaks of the use of technology and how advanced it will be. Gibson illustrates a place of dystopia, where everything is dark and full of despair. There seems to be no control over people and who they kill. The place were all dystopia occurs is in cyberspace. The opening line seems to be Gibson's way of preparing the reader for what is to come; "The sky above the port was the color of television, tuned to a dead channel."(Gibson 3) Here one sees the imagery that Gibson uses. He begins by bringing death and dismay in to the readers mind. One can picture a television that is black and fuzzy because the channel is not tuned in, the way the sky is. This is nothing like our sky; blue and bright. Rather like that of a gloomy rainy day, black and not appealing. Further in the book Gibson talks where the people live and sleep, places called "coffins." He describes the coffin's size, "the r...
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...epetition of the color pink to describe things, brings a sort of humanistic quality into the work. It makes one see that all though the characters in the story are living in cyberspace, they do have human qualities.
To approach this book from all these angels brings a new outcome of the novel. Gibson sets up the book from the beginning with the scene of dystopia, and continues it throughout the entirety of the novel. The greatest image of dystopia I found in this novel, was all the deaths that occur without a second thought about it. Using the formalistic approach to pick out these certain images in the novel, helps the reader see what exactly is going on. With the words that Gibson uses puts a pictured image in the readers mind as they go along; the image of DYSTOPIA.
Memory, symbol, and pattern are a big bulk of reading in literature. By reading more and more, you will begin to see patterns in different works. Once you begin to compare and contrast, it will help you understand the bottom line of books.It’s becomes fun and exciting when you make connections.
M.T Anderson’s novel Feed gives readers a representation of a future dystopian world, one in which technology is not simply around us yet embedded inside our heads. Anderson gives a warning for our own society by drawing parallels between our society and the feed. As Anderson describes, "Everything's dead. Everything's dying." (Anderson 180). In this dystopian world, the environment turns into a disaster due to how rapidly technology is advancing, and this concept can relate to our society today. Indeed, society’s life has improved over the decades due to technological advances, however, it brings more damage to the earth.
In conclusion, the brilliant novel “How To Read Literature Like A Professor” by Thomas C. Foster is a fantastic novel that helps grasp the basic ideas and structure that makes up a work of literature. Foster’s laid-back attitude made a major contribution to the great tone of the novel, and made it easier to understand. Many connections were included in the novel, along with some great quotes. After reading this novel, I have a better idea of what to look for when reading a novel.
The cover art of the novel reflects the art featured in each short story. This relaxed realism and use of subjective color leaves the impression of each story containing fantasy, in addition to, realistic concepts. For example, the cover employs the use of black, white, red, and blue to portray the scene. By using neutrals, as the base color, it gives the book a darker and more serious tone. The accents of blue and red are used as emotional signals, red meaning danger and blue meaning courage, as well as contrast to the black and white. Before even opening the book, a reader can get a sense of it and the tone/themes of each short story.
The use of diction is powerful, with the gripping use of words and description. Golding creates tension and reinforces his theme and tone with the use of specific words. Many are connotative and therefore create a story abundant in meaning and symbolism. Golding uses colors such as pink to symbolize particular things such as innocence, as shown in the piglets and the island. The word yellow makes the reader think of the sun, enlightenment and Ralph; the words black and red bring to mind evil, blood and Jack.
Toni Morrison's Beloved makes one ponder the essence of life and death. It is a novel that can challenge the brain, and change an opinion about the supernatural. One of the biggest symbols throughout the novel would be colors. Colors such as pink, red, and orange are mentioned on numerous occasions throughout the novel.
While reading "Neuromancer", one may become extremely baffled if he or she cannot interpret the terminology used or the framework in which the book is written. Hence, the use of the formalistic approach is necessary in order for the reader to actually understand the concepts trying to be declared by Gibson. Through the formalistic approach one can begin to see that Gibson uses repetition, and specific word choice to set the tone for the novel, and imagery to relate the content of the book to the lives of his readers.
It is this epistolary form of storytelling that allows the characters introduced to the reader by the character of Celie to reveal themselves their roles and their culture in an authentic sounding way. Celie, writes as she speaks, in a colloquial manner not normally considered 'proper English' For example the word 'us' is substituted for 'we' and there are misspelled and phonetically spelled words throughout. In other novels, when a character's speech is written in colloquial language it usually signals their comedic role in the story. However, in the beginning of The Color Purple, Celie's letters to God, poignantly (sometimes painfully so)reveal the confessional narrative of a young girl whose sex and race excludes her from formal education. She can say plainly what is happening to her but she cannot interpret he actions of the people around her. She must unburden herself somehow and courageously breaks the silence with her letters to God.
The airline industry has become more and more competitive over the years. It takes determination, preparation, knowledge, and recourses to start an airline company, and that is just what happened forty-five years ago in Dallas Texas. Southwest Airline is a very successful airline company serving around 100 million customers annually (Southwest Corporate Fact Sheet). Many things stick out about Southwest such as their satellite-based WIFI and free luggage. These accommodations appeal to the customers. The company describes its mission as “dedication to the highest quality of Customer Service delivered with a sense of warmth, friendliness, individual pride, and Company Spirit” (About Southwest). From a customer standpoint, there is nothing else
Southwest Airlines survived the initial years of deregulation, years of cyclical business cycles that may have led to recessionary and or inflationary periods, and its 25-year
China's record of human rights violations is long and mind-boggling. Atrocities such as purging tens of millions of people during the Cultural Revolution, its infamous one-child-per-couple Population Policy, persistent oppression of Tibet and the bloody June 4 massacre at Tienanmen Square in 1989 have given the Chinese government a reputation of having little respect for human life. And yet, despite its tarnished record, China maintains its Most Favoured Nation trade status with the US and is one of Canada's top ten recipients of bilateral trade. As supposed supporters of human rights, Canadian and US governments have developed hypocritical attitudes toward China, compromising ethical values for material gain. Instead, North American nations should restrict aid and trade with China to programs that can be used to encourage social reforms.
In conclusion, technology has evolved and influenced our society drastically when it comes to human interaction. William Gibson’s Burning Chrome is a postmodernism/cyberpunk story that blurs the boundaries between what is being human. The story also blurs the line between the physical and the virtual that a human being interacts. The advances we had made with our technology have gotten to the point where it has entwined with human anatomy. Gibson’s novel was partly based on how our civilization is more and more coming together with technology. Another thing Gibson portrayed was how a person’s mind is transferred into a whole new world with the use of our modern devices. In the end, our society’s interaction with both machines and humans is getting to the furuturistic virtural world that Burning Chrome depicts in its text.
The opening paragraph of the novel evokes the consequences of unharnessed technology and contemporary man’s contented refusal to acknowledge the consequences (Watt).
There are many ways to interpret this novel, as just another science fiction story or as a scientific futuristic reality. I would consider this novel to be a scientific technological futuristic reality of our values that have been turned upside down. "Affection and loyalty are unnecessary, beauty is a synthetic product, truth is arranged in test tubes, hope is supplied in a pill, which by its action annihilates identity" (Aldous Huxley a Critical Study Page 1).
From the beginning of their establishment, the bilateral relations between the United States of America and China have changed throughout the time. The bilateral relations of the two countries emerged from 1970’s with the ‘Ping-Pong’ diplomacy and there have been many pauses in their mutual relations. The US and China enjoyed cooperation in economic and military spheres and the mutual relations grew massively during until the end of 1990’s. The heads of the two states began visiting each other’s countries and the economic ties were tightening year by year. However, the issues of human rights and free speech declined mutual Sino-American relations. The American principle of democracy promotion and human rights protection minimized the Sino- American relations after the Tiananmen Square events in 1989, the US Presidents-George Bush and Bill Clinton- playing a key role in determining the further American foreign policy towards China.