The Dynamics Of Alcoholism, And The Dynamics Of Alcoholism

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Dynamics of Alcohol
Alcohol is an extremely dangerous substance, not only does it do a lot of damage to the drinker physically and emotionally, it also harms others around them such as family, friends and the society in general (Gmel, & Rehm,2003). This essay will look at the dynamics of alcohol, addiction, past and present approaches of alcoholism and the neurological networks of alcoholism.
According to Steve M. (2000) “alcoholism is a dynamic and progressive illness, which may take years and even decades to develop into an easily identifiable condition.” Alcoholism appears to have three main stages that show the gradual step toward alcoholism. These stages consist of exposure or experimentation, which is usually the first introduction to alcohol, many people are usually under the legal age when they first learn about or have a taste of alcohol. The second is learned, habitual-behavioral reliance, this is the …show more content…

Research now shows that genetics and environmental factors play a major part in alcohol and it addictiveness; it is believed that it is easily passed down through generations of families (Medical Library, 2003). In the last thirty years of research the theory that genetics play a part in alcoholism has been proven. One type of research done to prove this theory was that of adopted children. It showed that children who had alcoholism throughout their biological families and who were separated at birth from their parents seemed to have a higher risk of becoming addicted to alcohol then other children in the same situation whose biological parents were not alcoholics (Cross,

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