The Disadvantages Of An Elite Education Summary

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Today, Colleges and Universities are turning into the five-star companies. Think if these institutions of higher learning get their big factors in world to promote the knowledge they can give. Using their institution name and history as the brand that you want next to your name. Then reality hits you with the bill of service the institution has change you. So, the nature of institutions are turning into corporate: by producing leaders and workers and advertising production numbers to increase student admissions.
Let’s look at one evidence show the production of leaders. In “The Disadvantages of an Elite Education” author William Deresiewicz discusses the symbolism that Al Gore and John Kerry as an example of elite education: “Witness the last two Democratic presidential nominees, Al Gore and John Kerry: one each from Harvard and Yale, …show more content…

In “The Day the Purpose of College Changed” senior reporter Dan Berrett discusses the ideal of liberal education: “College is a vehicle for intellectual development, for cultivating a flexible mind, and, no matter the focus of study, for fostering a broad set of knowledge and skills whose values is not always immediately apparent.” (65) College is a tool for higher education development of the world, to prepare for ready and able to change to adapt to different circumstances, and no matter the center of interest of study, “for fostering a broad set of knowledge and skills whose values is not always immediately apparent.” College is promoting the development of wide scope of subjects or areas of knowledge and skills that values are not always without any intervening time or space clearly visible. Berrett is showing how college is a tool that supposed to develop a around knowledge real would. College is promoting education as if you learn essential values but really skilling in one area. College can basically take your money and train your skills for working

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