The Different Types of Non-Curable Sexually Transmitted Diseases

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This is an information packet about Non-Curable Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD’s). There are several types of non-curable Sexually Transmitted Diseases: genital herpes, genital warts, hepatitis B, HIV and AIDS. Genital herpes is an infection caused by HSV-1 and HSV -2. (Describe HSV-1 and HSV 2) You can get genital herpes by having sex with someone that has it. Genital herpes can be spread by having oral sex, vaginal sex, or anal sex. It can also be spread by touching the infected area of someone that has it. Genital herpes is known to cause small painful sores or blisters. The sores can come and go, but once you have the virus you will always have it in your body. “The primary difference between the two viral types is in where they typically establish latency in the body- their "site of preference." HSV-1 usually establishes latency in the trigeminal ganglion, a collection of nerve cells near the ear. From there, it tends to recur on the lower lip or face. HSV-2 usually sets up residence in the sacral ganglion at the base of the spine. From there, it recurs in the genital area .

Even this difference is not absolute either type can reside in either or both parts of the body and infect oral and/or genital areas. Unfortunately, many people aren't aware of this, which contributes both to the spread of type 1 and to the misperception that the two types are fundamentally different.

"People don't understand that you can have type 1 genitally or orally, that the two types are essentially the same virus,' says Marshall Clover, manager of the National Herpes Hotline." One type is associated with stigma, the other is "'just a cold sore"- our society has a euphemism for it so we don't even have to acknowledge that it's herpes.''


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... has long term and short term effects and some things aren’t worth living with a disease for the rest of your life. If you know that you have a disease you should talk to your partner about it don’t do something that you will regret.

The sites that I used for this information packet were: - I found this site helpful for describing both types HSV-1 and HSV-2. It explained a lot of information that I have gotten a better understanding of the STD.

Another site is that site helped a lot it described the conditions and the treatments for the STD and the talked about the STD in details.

I also use a site for teens it’s called: I found this site also helpful but I think that the other sites had a little more detail.

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