The Differences And Similarities Between Men And Women

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“Men are from Mars, women are from Venus.” It’s the thought that crosses everyone’s mind; are men and women the same? In many ways men and women are different. When people think about men and women they do not think similarities even though there are many reasons why they should. The differences between the two are much larger than the similarities but they are still there. Stereotypes have a lot to do with this because the way the world sees females and males affect how they act. Three of the main differences and similarities are within parenting, physical shape, and emotional state.
Parenting is something that majority of men and women experience. Both men and women have the ability to become parents. When a baby is made it is made between both parents. This is a huge similarity between the two because both man and woman have ownership of an offspring. Even though the baby belongs to both, the responsibly is in many ways more with the mother. A woman has to carry a child and go through childbirth, whereas a man only has to produce the sperm for the making of the child. Since a woman produces breast milk it is more understood that the mother is responsible for feeding the baby. Since …show more content…

Because people are so closed minded the similarities are often forgotten but when it really comes down to it they are definitely there. The differences are very important though, because without them there would be only a world of all women or all men. The fact that in many cases the two need each other’s differences in order to feel complete shows how important they are. The similarities are also important. The similarities between the two help to connect them and help people understand why sexism is a real and unfortunate thing. Its important to understand the similarities and difference that way people can see the world in an equal light and state of

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