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Fashion in culture
Fashion in culture
Branding in the clothing industry
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For hundreds of years, clothing has always been a way for people to express themselves and as the fashion trends continue to change it allows younger minds to open up and have fun creatively to express their personality’s through clothing. Clothing has a lot to say about who you are as an individual. It often depicts nonverbal communication in how it seems to speak without you having to. Nonetheless, clothing itself ties with personality in such a huge manner. Clothing is a form of art that allows individuals to express themselves creatively. Although particular personages have the ability to do so, obstacles such as school dress code and regulation rules often get in the way which limits what a student can or cannot wear.
Fashion was designed
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Generally speaking, clothing has a way of making itself the center of attention and speaking for itself in a crowd. Fashion is the most powerful art there is, it’s movement, design, and architecture all in one and it shows the world who we are and who we’d like to be. Clothing gives a first impression, making a statement of personal identity with the use of fashion. Quoting Edna Woolman Chase, editor in chief of Vogue magazine, “Fashion can be bought, style one most possesses”. This generally means that there is a difference between style and fashion. Style is about you and your relationship to the moment of time they are being presented. Style is changing based on the personal issues of individuals rather than by moods based on other people. In conclusion, fashion is a nonverbal form of communication, it has vocabulary and it shows passion, anyone could have a different interpretation about the information an outfit puts …show more content…
Individuals are liable to judge someone by their look as they judge a book by its cover. Human habit makes personages scared to express themselves freely through their clothes and style. The fact that people judge often by appearance rather than personality develops a sort of protective side of humans. As fashion can be used as self-expressionism, it can also be used as a shield of protection. Higher brands of basic fashion seem easier to wear in the sense that you won’t get “called out” for having a unique style, but fashion isn’t about being “basic” it’s about expressing your thoughts and personality and using that as protection to hide from the opinion of others. Quoting Inescapable Beauty, “Don’t change to fit the fashion, change the fashion to fit you”, this quote speaks directly towards people who are afraid to dress like themselves because of how they feel as though dressing just like everyone else won’t get them judged by their own fashion sense, but you shall express creativity and let people see you through your outfit. To conclude on the topic for being judged and trying to express yourself creatively shouldn’t be tolerated in fashion nor anywhere else. With fashion you should be able to wear what you please whenever you
I'd like to read Ralph Ellison's Invisible Man as the odyssey of one man's search for identity. Try this scenario: the narrator is briefly an academic, then a factory worker, and then a socialist politico. None of these "careers" works out for him. Yet the narrator's time with the so-called Brotherhood, the socialist group that recruits him, comprises a good deal of the novel. The narrator thinks he's found himself through the Brotherhood. He's the next Booker T. Washington and the new voice of his people. The work he's doing will finally garner him acceptance. He's home.
Fashion has been developing for as long as the Earth had been around, but the style people track today redirects generally to what was brought up during the roaring twenties, the era of a luxurious life. Women’s sartorial will experience many more future modifications which are predicted to be less modest and conservative. Men, on the other hand, will most likely not endure many changes. As fashion flourishes, society’s image on women, as well as men, will renovate into a more exposed mentality with a greater assortment of acceptance.
To summarize, fashion is just another outlet through which we can view our ever changing world. It is just as important as literature, cinema, and other means of creative expression that document history. However, fashion plays an even bigger role than most other art forms because it can shape the identity of a generation. Similarly, the clothes you wear can tell a story about who you are and your part in shaping a culture. In history class we often view historical events and facts so objectively that we forget that the people we read about had their own colorful culture as we do. Observing fashion and fashion history, ultimately, breathe life into the past and help us to understand how we operate as a society.
The evolution of clothing has been drastically changed through the course of history, from the style to how they’re made. Women and men’s clothing changed at different rates. The way clothes are made reflect the style. Clothing always has been an important aspect of one’s culture as well as a representation of a time period. Overtime clothing has changed just as the people it clothes.
Nowadays, fashion has become a big status in the world. It has the power to be prominent to many. A lot of people, especially in the younger generation, not only follow the latest trends but has led them into believing that they should be someone they are not. For example, to change their look and/or to look
Our people are too blind to realize what fashion can do to a person. Sure first impressions are influenced by appearances. It’s true indeed that the first trait when people see each other for the first time is what they are wearing. However where do we draw the line? People excessively attempt to imitate runway models or their favorite artists. Becoming too wrapped up following the newest trend or the hottest style this season. Men and women desperately try to mold themselves into fashions “ideal body.” Fashion is harmful to society; it promotes harmful lifestyle choices, can contribute to bullying and often causes debt problems to young woman.
...o contextual influences and past experiences. Therefore it is almost impossible to pre-empt the ways in which others will perceive you. Over time ideas will change and therefore alter the ways in which we look back on past clothing choices. Whilst symbolism in fashion may no longer be subject to laws as it was in the 14th century or defined by strict social rules in the 17th century, the clothes we wear are still today subject to imposed social ideals. Apart from distinguishing one status group from another, a style of dress may also aid group cohesiveness, provide the individual with an identity and a feeling of belonging, and communicate the wearer’s attitudes and interests. The ways in which we interpret others and present ourselves for interpretation is the only true way that we can be individual. Symbolism in clothing may not seem as obvious or important nowadays as it was in times of extreme social bigotry, but it is still highly prevalent and has remained one of the most effective ways to project our desired image to those around us. ‘The state of a person’s clothes is synonymous with self respect and is a sign of responsibility’ (www. Pemberley.com/janeinfo/vebleis7.html)
To begin with, I will look at each of the two subjects. Fashion is an extremely large subject with many sub-categories and can mean many different things, however in this essay I will take fashion to mean the popular clothing style. I will put emphasis on looking at high fashion as these are the leaders of their field. Fashion itself though, is not to be confused with clothing. Clothing is a part of fashion, but it is predominantly purely functional, for protection from different aspects of the environment. Fashion however, is primarily for image. It is a way to present individuality and personality. A physical mouldable form of expression. Designers wish to create works of art that can be worn, and this is wear clothing becomes an art form.
Many people think fashion is just all about design or the clothing that you wear. In fact, the definition is “a popular way of dressing during a particular time or among a particular group of people” (Fashion). Well personally, I think that have got it wrong, and there are many more things about fashion that people do not realize. Consumerism and consumption play a huge role on what fashion is today and what goes into it, and not just about design or designers, but also socially and environmentally. Consumerism and consumption impact the social and environmental aspect of the fashion industry because of what people buy, why they buy things, what type of things they look for in terms of quality or brand, and also where they go to shop.
Fashion is one of those things that people can claim they don't care about. They can defend again and again that it doesn't matter what one wears, it's the person who wears it. But in all likelihood they will continue to be judged, as we all are, for the clothes on our body, the shoes on our feet and the hairstyle we are sporting.
Fashion, psychology and the sociological perspective have long been perceived as mutually exclusive concepts. However, is there a possibility that a trinity exists in the former? To illustrate, it is evident that throughout history fashion has influenced society as a whole and has mirrored its aspects i.e. economical and sociological. Furthermore, this influence has developed to be perceived psychologically where individuals identify with fashion in the sense of translating visual information showing their personal views and attitudes. To that effect, what is fashion? Traditionally and in the literary sense, fashion is defined as ‘a popular trend, especially in styles of dress and ornament or manners of behavior’ . However,
Clothing is something that defines a person, and allows society to have an outlook on an individual’s lifestyle and beliefs. Unlike criticizing other material things like a car, a home or even something as simple as a television set, criticism of clothing is very personal. This suggests that there is a high correlation between clothing and personal identity and values. (Breward, pg.1) Clothing in a sense has the ability to communicate thought. However, similarly to art interpretations, this does not mean that any two people will perceive these visual aesthetics similarly.
In conclusion, fashion will speak out a person’s social signal, people dress on designs that blend with their social class. Just as population, social activities and fashion are changing with time. Fashion has made clothing to be convinient, everything needs to be done with the least effort and spend the least time.
Clothing has been around for thousands of years; almost as long as the modern human has. At first, it served the practical purpose of protection from the elements; but, as life for early humans stopped being a constant struggle to survive, they started noticing how they looked and the concept of fashion began to take shape. These first few garments were typically dyed draped cloth that was pinned at the shoulder and/or waist. This was seen in many ancient civilizations around the world, Greek and Roman the most notable. Over time, clothing began to get more and more complex and formed to the body’s shape, eventually leading up to the tailored style we now have today. However, the sophisticated world of Haute Couture; or high fashion, can distinctly trace its roots to Paris during the mid-19th century. Clothing from there was thought to be superior to those from anywhere else, and women began to come from all over Europe just to buy dresses. This was probably due in part to one notable dressm...
To live in style with fashion is mostly preferred by college going youngsters who are the main follower of fashion. Fashion is related with all age of people either male or female in different manners. Mostly girls fashion is too much trendy and advance then any others. Fashion is not only limited to dressing style but it includes all other different aspects of life like the house they live in, what they eat, what kind of work they prefer to do for their time pass and many more. In our country, source of fashion is generally the glamorous and entertainment industry where every week a new style of dressing, makeup and hairstyle is introduced. Some of the people have registered their name for introducing the new trend of fashion in the glamorous world. These are Manish Malhotra, Ritu Kumar, Tarun Tahiliani, Ritu Beri, Sabhya Sachi and many