The Dharma of Mahayana Buddhism

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Advanced technology and luxurious items seem bring humans into a “Modern World.” However, it seems these 21st Century technologies and items have brought more dissatisfaction, the duhkha. Death, blood and war, these words appear in the newspaper almost everyday. Despite those external dissatisfactions, internally human kind becomes more selfish and lonely. As a matter of fact, a hypochondria is becoming so popular that one in seven adults is facing it. In our society today, Buddhism, especially Mahayana Buddhism, becomes a cure to the duhkha that we are facing today. The Dharma of Mahayana Buddhism becomes very helpful to resolve many, even all the problems humans are facing today.

Mahayana Buddhism believes in the Path of Bodhisattva, which is path to become Awakened by achieve own-being’s enlightenment and more importantly, to help others to achieve enlightenment. What is the Path of Bodhisattva is too complicated, but the first step in the Path of Bodhisattva is very simple; teach others the dharma and help others. The relevant point to modern world is that people, today, need to understand that by helping others you are helping yourself. In Mahayana Buddhism’s context, by helping others to achieve Awakened you are moving forward on the Path of Bodhisattva and moving toward Awakened. If by helping one person you will get a teaspoon of wheat, and a teaspoon of wheat is useless. However, if you continue helping others, one day you will surprisingly find that you got a barn of wheat. What us, modern humans, need to learn from Mahayana Buddhism is that keep helping others and one day you will get your “repayment.”

Of course, it is impossible to achieve Bodhisattva by just helping others; Mahayana Buddhist will also have t...

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The concept of The Six Perfections and the belief in Three Bodies of Buddha act as a star that guide people through a dark forest. What the Six Perfection led to is ask people to act in a manner to respect everything and to be kind to everything; in fact what our modern word needs is some respectfulness and kindness. If modern humans believe in the Three Bodies of Buddha, it will “force” people to act in their best manner to obtain a good karma and in the hope that they will reborn to a place such as Amitabha Buddha’s Pure Land.

Mahayana Buddhism will not bring people wealth and the Path of Bodhisattva is rather difficult that not everyone wants to peruse it. However the philosophy in Mahayana Buddhism will bring the peacefulness of mind, harmony of life and happiness of world. Aren’t these the things that all human in the modern world eager to find?

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