The Development Of Whales: The Evolution Of Whales

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Whales are considered to be intelligent mammals, but they live in the water despite the fact that mammals evolved on land. Paleontologist Phil Gingerich has been studying the evolution of whales since 1978. In 1978, he and his team discovered a rock in Pakistan with a skull on the inside. The skull appeared to be a wolf-like animal upon first sight, but Gingerich noticed the distinct whale ear on the skull. The skull, which had characteristics of both whales and other mammals, was that of a common ancestor of the whale known as Pakicetus. Many scientists believe that Pakicetus resembled the seal in its appearance. Pakicetus could not be considered a whale, since its backbone and limbs do not have similar features to those of a whale. Therefore, it is considered an ancestor of the whale, since it has some features of the whale and some unique features (or features of other mammals). Today’s whales have mammalian characteristics, which prove that they have evolved from a common ancestor of the mammal. A whale’s fin also has traits that are common of many species. The fin seems to be similar to that of a fish, but the bones on the inside of the fin are similar to those on a bird’s wing, a monkey’s arm, and a frog’s limb. This seems to be proof that these organisms, and many others, all evolved from a common ancestor. Other proof that whales have evolved over time lies in Egypt in the Valley of Whales, where over 400 fossils of whales currently lie. The desert used to be a large sea that was home to a few kinds of whales. In the Valley of Whales, Gingerich discovered the Basilosaurus, which had small hind legs, toes, and a mobile knee and lived 35-41 million years ago. This fossil is considered to be a transitional fossil, since it ha...

... middle of paper ... left of the Earth. After this destruction, the Earth was back to its beginnings with no living organisms. A person may similarly believe that God destroyed the universe, which began again as a condensed state and began to expand (the Big Bang Theory). Both of these similar beliefs seem to combine catastrophism, which involves the destruction of existing species of the time, and evolution. These beliefs do not contradict any scientific evidence or any of Darwin’s studies, yet they still hold true to the story of creation. One can certainly believe in God and scientific discoveries and processes if he or she believes that God does not interfere with natural processes but simply watches over the universe. It is certainly possible for a person to believe in God and in what the Bible is trying to communicate, literally or figuratively, yet still believe in evolution.

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