The Demolition of Privacy Rights

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The Demolition of Privacy Rights
Civil liberties is a term coined by the United States that guarantees certain rights to the people by the Bill of Rights. Although the Right to Privacy is not officially enumerated into the Constitution, the Supreme Court ruled that citizens do in fact, have the right to their own privacy in their own home and their own beliefs. Privacy rights are an essential part of everyday American lives, in that everyone should be given the right to do whatever they want to do in privacy without anyone judging them or knowing what they have done. The right to privacy can also be considered jeopardizing to society because if someone is doing everything privately, including planning some sort of abomination or is doing something illegal, and the police does not find out, it can cause some serious damage to the society. The Patriot Act was enacted after 9-11 to ensure security among the nation. By doing so, the United States implemented strategies in protecting the people, such as decrease privacy rights that were “given” to the people. Also, in today’s society, iphones have an a setting in which the phone can track your location and so-call “help” you do whatever you need the phone to do. According to the Usatoday’s article, location services through GPS coordinates one’s online post and photos, in that one does not even know they are exposing their private lives to the online world. Although, The right to privacy plays an important role in keeping everyday Americans the will to do whatever they want in private, it may cause potential trouble in keeping everything a secret, even illegal actions.

Privacy rights are a tough issue to argue for because so many Americans believe that they do in fact hav...

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...t those laws and regulations should do make citizens uncomfortable with the fact that they are being watched 24/7. Therefore, the government should find a type of way to implement systems that will keep an eye on people’s actions but their systems should not be extreme and look at every single movement they make.

"Location Services Pose Huge Security Risks -" Web log post.Location Services Pose Huge Security Risks - N.p., n.d. Web. 17 Feb. 2014.
Solove, Daniel J. "Why Privacy Matters Even if You Have 'Nothing to Hide'." Chronicle of Higher Education. 15 May. 2011: n.p. SIRS Issues Researcher. Web. 17 Feb. 2014.
"The USA PATRIOT Act of 2001: A Summary of the Anti-Terrorism Law's Immigration-Related Provisions | Center for Immigration Studies." Web log post. Center for Immigration Studies. N.p., n.d. Web. 17 Feb. 2014.

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