. PURPOSE: To provide the Brigade Commander current information on the Army’s Personnel Readiness Management (PRM) System.
a. The Defense Casualty Information Processing System (DCIPS) Window based system that is used by Department of Defense (DoD) for casualty reporting during both peacetime and war. This system is used track all casualties once they occur.
b. The Total Officer Personnel Management Information System (TOPMIS-II) The primary purpose is to help officer career and distribution managers within Officer Personnel Management Division (OMPD)
c. Defense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System (DEERS) is a mandated system that helps improve the control and distribution of available benefits to military personnel and
a. Systems: Personnel Readiness Management (PRM), Personnel Information Management (PIM), Personnel Accounting and Strength Reporting (PASR), Unit Manning Roster (UMR), Electronic Military Personnel Office (eMILPO), Defense Theater Accounting System (DTAS), Interactive Personnel Electronic Records Management System (iPERMS).
Effective planning is impossible without first understanding the problem. Commanders rely on personal observations, experiences, and input from others to develop understanding. They also prioritize information requests and incorporate additional information as those requests are answered. A complete understanding of the problem and environment builds the foundation for the operational process and ...
Department of Veteran Affairs. (1997). Master Agreement between he Department of Veteran Affairs and the American Federation of Government Employees (VA Pamphlet 05-68). Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office
There are 11 Army Publications used as references (ADP 3-0, ADP 6-0, ADP 6-22, ADRP 5-0, ADRP 6-0, AR 350-1, AR 600-100, FM 3-13, FM 27-10, TC 1-05). ADRP 6-22 is composed of 11 chapters, divided into four parts. 3. What is the difference between a'smart' and a'smart'? Background and Discussion a. ADRP 6-22 discusses necessary topics in order to become a multi-skilled, competent, and responsive Army leader.
US, Army Training and Doctrine Command. (2008). Field Manual 3-11.21: MULTISERVICE TACTICS, TECHNIQUES AND PROCEDURES FOR CHEMICAL, BIOLOGICAL, RADIOLOGICAL, AND NUCLEAR, CONSEQUENCE MANAGEMENT. Fort Monroe, Virginia: US, Army Training and Doctrine Command.
The Department of Veteran Affairs (DVA) is a public organization that is government provided. The organization funding is produce through taxes. The executive branch of the agency is located in Washington DC and is headed by Secretary of Veteran Affairs. There are Veteran Affairs Offices located in all 50 states, including American Samoa, District of Columbia, Guam, North Marianas Islands, Puerto Rico, and Virgin Islands. It ranks number two in the United States federal department with over 200,000 employees.
A military officer must manage pieces of one of the largest organizations in the United States government - an organization that accounts for the third largest piece of the American budget and is comprised of 1.3 million active sailors, soldiers, airmen, and marines, many of whom are tasked with being deployable to any location within 48 hours. This is only possible through concise, professional communication on the part of every service member, especially
O'Shea, Brandon J. "ARMY.MIL, The Official Homepage of the United States Army." "OPERATION POWER PACK. N.p., 20 Apr. 2010. Web. 27 Feb. 2014.
The Army Human Resource System (AHRS) known as the Electronic Military Personnel Office or (eMILPO) is a web based multi-tiered application. It provides the Army Human Resource Community with a reliable mechanism for performing personnel actions and strength accountability. The System consolidates 43 Personnel Information Systems in one. This system provides visibility of the location, status, and skills of Soldiers in the United States Army. The primary users of this system are Human Resource Soldiers, Commanders, and First Sergeants. The primary features and functions of eMILPO include Personnel Services, Personnel Accounting, Reassignments, Promotions, Readiness, Workflows, System Services, PERSTEMPO, and DTAS.
I will use the positional power of legitimacy appropriately to change the tone of the organization. Additionally, I will be emotionally intelligent and responsive to influence positive behavior across the Brigade to increase confidence in the chain of command. Starting with the end state in mind, the assumption of the RAF mission, and working backwards I will set clear objectives and use key events such as line haul/download operations, equipment turn in, new equipment training (NET) and fielding, and special Rapid Fielding Initiative (RFI) to create a predictable timeline. All events will operate with a sense of disciplined urgency to break up complacency. Creating a guiding coalition of the willing is my next
We can identify three major cultural dimensions that help us to understand what leaders must focus on as they guide the transition of the Army. First, professional Identity, which is guided by Soldiers at all levels who are striving for excellence in their functional specialty, i.e., HR Sergeants. Soldiers who have goals and ideals of the Army to ethically put service and duty first. HR Sergeants are trained and well educated in their field. They are taught to put Soldiers first and have great customer support skills. Second, community, the sense in which Soldiers stop thinking about “I” and start thinking “we”. The bond among units who not only believe in cohesion with Soldiers, but their families too. The HR Sergeants are there to take care of Soldiers when financial issues arise with them or their families and don’t back down until the situation is solved. Last, hierarchy, which leads to order and control and provides Soldiers with moral reference and a sense of direction. The HR Sergeant has the mentality of mission first, knowing who to contact at the next level for assistance helps get the mission
...ocial Security Administration has not collected the disability award information for the first 3 months of 2014, therefore, the forecast can have at most 92 data points. Since there is a lack of historical data available, the forecast accuracy will be negatively affected. Another problem encountered in making this forecast was that there were very few variables related to veteran unemployment that are calculated monthly. While the independent variables chosen do have significant impact on the veteran unemployment rate, the forecast would only be enhanced if information such as veteran disability awards and veteran educational enrollment was calculated on a per month basis instead of quarterly or every fiscal year. However, while the variables used in the forecast may not be perfect, they still will be able to give a fairly accurate forecast of veteran unemployment.
As a Non-commissioned Officer you can expect me to be a professional leader dedicated to taking care of soldiers, the mission, and the army way of life. You can expect me to use Army Regulations, Technical Manuals, and direct orders from my superiors as my guidance on what actions to take in each situation faced whether tactical or technical. I will not be afraid to make sound and timely decisions in the absence of my leadership’s orders. When left in charge I will take charge.
3-22.9, Washington, DC: Headquarters, Dept. of the Army. United States. Soldier as a System: TRADOC Pamphlet 525-97, Fort Monroe, VA: Headquarters. Dept. of the Army – Training and Doctrine Command. United States.
Communication is critical to any organization and is necessary in every aspect especially in a military. Communication plays a role in Soldier development, peer to peer relations, Chain of command management, and virtually every aspect of a military operations. Commanders require it the most so that they can execute large scale operations without flaw and that alone requires ceaseless effective communication. If soldiers are informed and engaged, communications with other units are likely to be robust as well.