The Declaration Of Independence And African Americans

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As the years go by we can see the aftermath of what slavery, segregation and racism toward African Americans have done to Blacks. African Americans have suffered many brutal treatment that has affected us physically and mentally and we are still dealing with the repercussion of the many years of oppression. The Declaration of Independence was written hundreds of years ago stating all men are equal but African Americans are still socially and racially unequal to White America. Until now Blacks have been given insufficient credit of the basis of where humanity and civilization started. Throughout our educational history we’ve learned that the Egyptians created Egypt not including the Egyptians were African Americans and we’ve also learned from textbooks the European’s created many inventions, founded many countries and established these intelligent philosopher’s and writers we study from today basically making Europeans the superior race for many Countries but not even mentioning the contributions of African Americans and what they have done and how much they have accomplished for civilization. When we look at film and literature we can dissect and repair the image of African Americans by looking at written evidence, documentaries and movies to see the hidden truth.
The pieces we are assigned to read and the films we watch in class tells us a lot about how African Americans were very important to the creation of civilization and religion. We can start with The Evolution of the Caucasoid (Finch). The formation of the Caucasian took place in the Ice Age in Western Russia, the reason white skin was formed was because of the conditions of the regions climate, Finch states that white skin was more adaptable because of the ecologica...

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...ature can be used in reconstructing the image of Blacks/Africans to take apart and decipher the theories and documents that conceal the Africans existence and role in the origins of humanity and civilization. Throughout life you see Africans portrayed as inferior, the theory of Africans coming from monkeys but history books do not tell you the contribution’s and the ideals and values of Africans, the most you learn about Blacks are that they were slaves. White America tries to conceal the Black peoples presence is history because the only time you hear about Blacks is Black History Month or when you take a class specifically pertaining to Africans. From my readings and the films watched, we see the hidden truths of the Africans and we are able to analyze these truths to better our learning of African’s so we can better our understanding and spread what we now know.

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