The Death Penalty: Methods of Execution in America

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Crime in America is something that has been around for many decades. While a large number of crimes are considered minor, many more result in the serious injury or death of another human being. “When we think about crimes, we … normally focus on inherently wrongful acts that harm or threaten to harm persons or property” (Bibas 22). The death penalty, also called capital punishment, has been used as a means of punishing the most violent of criminals in an attempt to prevent others from committing similar crimes. Over the centuries, the methods used to conduct these executions have evolved and changed due to effectiveness and public opinion.
In America, there have been five different execution methods used. These five methods consist of hanging, firing squad, gas chamber, electrocution, and lethal injection. The next five sections of this paper will cover each of these methods in greater detail.
According to an article by the Death Penalty Information Center, “[u]ntil the 1890s, hanging was the primary method of execution used in the United States.” While it has been replaced by most states, it is still used as an option in Delaware and Washington (“Descriptions”), but has only been elected three times since 1976 (Kellaway 149). Hangings were usually conducted out in the open and in front of anyone that decided to watch. This public display was used to help send the message that there was a high price to pay for committing crimes, yet the hangings sometimes conveyed a different message. Often the executions induced sympathy and disapproval from the crowds (Dieter 791).
Most often platforms, known as Gallows, were constructed with a trap door just for the purpose of hangings; however, just about any rope and tree would suff...

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...ese new methods, America is being forced to return to some of its old ways of execution in order to finalize the sentences cast upon the guilty.

Works Cited

Bibas, Stephanos. “Making a Federal Case Out of It: Regulation by Prosecution.” National Review 19 Aug. 2013: 22+. Print.
“Descriptions of Execution Methods.” DPIC. N.p., n.d. Web. 13 Apr. 2014.
Dieter, Richard C. “Methods of Execution and Their Effect on the Use of the Death Penalty in the United States.” Fordham Urban Law Journal 35.4 (2008): 789-816 Academic OneFile. Web. 14 Apr. 2014.
“Drugs and the Death Penalty: Cruel and Unusable.” Economist 2 Nov. 2013: 35. Print.
Kellaway, Jean. The History of Torture and Execution. New York: Lyons Press, 2000. Print.
Murphy, Kevin. “U.S. States Could Turn to Firing Squads if Execution Drugs Scarce.” Chicago Tribune. Chicago Tribune, 17 Jan. 2014. Web. 16 Apr. 2014.

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