The Danish Political System

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The Danish political system
The Danish Political System is democratic. Something special about the Danish democracy is that the States administration is established on a voluntary agreement between the citizens of the country and the constitutional monarchy.
The citizens use their influence indirectly through voting for parties, which is also know as a representative democracy.

Folketinget is the danish Parliament and is the legislative assembly in Denmark, which means that it passes the Acts that apply in Denmark. The Folketing is also responsible for adopting the state's budgets, approving the state's accounts, taking part in international cooperation and exercising control of the Government. As a possible result of its control, the Parliament may decide to unseat the Government at any time. But in practice, it is extremely rare for the Parliament to resort to this measure.

The Government performs the executive functions of the country. The affairs of Government are decided by the Cabinet, headed by the Prime Minister. Members of the Cabinet are given the formal title of "minister" and each hold a different part of government duties, for example the Minister of Children and Education - Christine Antorini. Altogether they are 19 Ministers incl. the Prime Minister. These ministers are all elected by the parliament.
The Danish system of government is known as negative parliamentarianism, which means that the Government doesn’t need to have a majority in the Parliament – but it mustn’t have a majority against it. If there is a majority against it, the Government must resign. The system of negative parliamentarianism means that Denmark can be run by a minority government. In fact, most Danish governments have been minority governm...

... middle of paper ... a way the new laws can be adopted. An example would be the law regarding tax on fat. There was a demand for the Danish people to eat less fat, and therefore a new taxation was put through the legislation system. But after the adoption, it went straight back to the political environment and new adoptions were put into effect. This was caused by what we can see in the model as a feedback loop. 
Society was affected by the new fat tax law and that created both an opposition and a support group to the new law. The opposition tried to affect the politicians to abolish the new taxation, since it might have had a bad effect on either their business or another matter, and the supporters tried to either strengthen or keep the law as it was, due to their political interest and/or benefits. All this was done through lobbyism, and it resulted in an abolishment of the fat tax.

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