The Cuban Revolution

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The dictatorship of President Batista caught the attention of a young attorney named Fidel Alejandro Castro Ruz, or better known as Fidel Castro. In protest against President Batista, Castro formed and led a small group called M-26-7. The name of this group symbolized when the group attacked the Moncada Barracks in Santiago de Cuba on July 26, 1953. This marked the beginning of the Cuban Revolution. The attack was unsuccessful and it left many of the attackers, including leader Fidel Castro, jailed while others fled the country and a few killed in the attack. After going to trial, on October 16, 1953, Castro was sentenced to 15 years in prison in the hospital wing of the Presidio Modelo while delivering his History Will Absolve Me speech. However, on May 15, 1955, Castro and the rest of the prisoners were released after President Batista believed that to be of no threat. Upon getting being released from prison, Castro’s main focus was to strengthen the M-26-7. Later that year, Fidel Castro and his brother Raúl Castro fled Cuba to avoid being arrested after the 1955 bombings. Fidel said that his reason for leaving was because all doors of peaceful struggle had closed on him.
The brothers traveled to Mexico where Raúl became friends with a doctor and Marxist-Leninist named Ernesto "Che" Guevara. Also while in Mexico, Castro met an anti-Batista group that consisted of mostly students. This group went by the name Directorio Revolucionario Estudantil (DRE) and was founded by a student named José Antonio Echeverría. Since the DRE and Castro were both against President Batista, they DRE offered their support to Castro. However, Castro refused it.
In November of 1956, Fidel purchased a yacht called Granma and on the 25th of November, he s...

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...and the President of the Council of Ministers of Cuba. He is also the Commander in Chief of the Cuban Army, Navy, and Air Force, and has also been First Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba since 2011.
Fulgencio Batista lived in various cities in Portugal and wrote books for the rest of his life. On August 6, 1973 he died of a heart attack while in Guadalmina, near Marbella, Spain and was buried in San Isidro Cemetery in Madrid.
On October 8, 1967, Bolivian soldiers captured Che Guevara in Bolivia. Bolivian President René Barrientos ordered that Guevara be executed. This execution was requested and carried out the next day by Bolivian army sergeant Mario Terán. Terán requested to execute Guevara because three of his friends, all with the same first name of "Mario", had been killed in an earlier firefight with Guevara's band of guerrillas.

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