The Crucible Research Paper

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Crucible Essay Ever wonder is if a small lie could escalate so much that 19 deaths occurred? Abigail Williams told a lie in the book, The Crucible saying in a forest she saw all these innocent people performing witchcraft when they were just living a normal Christian life. This event of the witchcraft in Salem and another event in the 1950’s are very similar. In the early 1950’s during the Cold War, communists lost their friends and jobs. While Arthur Miller clearly wrote the play The Crucible to demonstrate his belief that an individual should never give up the power to think for him or himself, he also intended it to be allegory for the Red Scarce of the 1950’s called McCarthyism. The Crucible is an allegory of the Red Scarce, in both of these events caused by an individual running someone’s life over what that person believes …show more content…

Both of these events is formed by a lie spread by a person or group of people to prevent themselves from being harmed, killed or severely messed up someone’s life. In The Crucible Abigail Williams and a group of girls were dancing in the forrest and her uncle, Parris caught them and told everyone the girls performed witchcraft. Abigail then tells Parris and Hale that Tituba, “she made me do it”. Tituba and the girls didn’t perform witchcraft that night, and a lot of people were accused or killed over it. In the Red Scarce McCarthy and Hoover made life for Communists living in the United States not a fun experience, “Figures such as… that possibility”. The United States allows people to have their opinion, and in my opinion the people that agree with communism should be able to tell people they do without having their life being torn apart. Arthur Miller wrote The Crucible to show his beliefs that an individual should never give up power to think for themselves, he intended it to be an allegory for the Red Scarce. Today it is illegal to do what McCarthy and what the girls

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