The Crucible Research Paper

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“As to religion,….the indispensable duty of government to protect…..protesters….know of no other business government has to do therewith.”
-Thomas Paine, 1776
The quote above explains how I feel about the separation of church and state. The government should protect every single religion, but that is as far as they should go. Though the constitution never mentions word for word that church and state should be separated, the establishment clause, from the Court case of Everson v. Board of Education, was supposed to make a wall between the church and state (Hansen). The state is supposed to make rules and govern, while one should be responsible for having a religion or not. The problems with not having a separate church and state are present …show more content…

The Crucible is set in Salem, Massachusetts at a time when the government is a theocracy, a system of government in which God is recognized as the supreme civil leader ( After a reverend finds his daughter and niece dancing and casting spells with other village girls and a slave, he becomes worried about the witchcraft in the town. The girls began blaming women who have wronged them, saying that those women are in association of the devil, and that they are controlling the girls (Miller). This commences the witch trials, and the town uses these trials as a way to get revenge and let out emotions …show more content…

Imagine if the United States went to a theocracy. The things taught in the classroom would be used to promote the religion the state follows. This would cause many outbreaks from parents of different cultures saying that their children are being taught things against their religions. “Liberals have spent a lot of time..trying to explain to Conservative Christians the importance of the separation of church and state...Christians believe..this constitutionally mandated separation not exist but that it is an attack on Christianity.” -Dale Hansen Dale Hansen, a political blogger who works for Detroit News, explains that the situation that happened Spring Hill Middle School was only unique to the culture of Islam. That children learn a lot of history that counters their beliefs such as Greek and Roman Mythology. He explains that the reality is that children should learn about many different cultures and religions, so they can have a appreciate our differences. “Portraying such an education as brainwashing is embarrassingly phobic and closed minded.” -Dale

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