The Crucible Act 1 Summary

576 Words2 Pages

Dylan O’Berry
5th HR
Analyzing Act I
Identifying Facts
1: The very beginning of the play opens up at Parris’s house in Salem, Massachusetts during the spring of 1692.
2: Parris feels distraught because his daughter Betty lays asleep and seemingly cannot awaken. And to make matters worse, Susanna Walcott gives news that Doctor Griggs believes that her inability to awaken resulted from supernatural causes. Reverend Parris, in denial sends for Hale because he wants a second opinion in order to protect his reputation and spot as a minister.
3: We only have proof then that they danced in the woods, but there happens to be a strong essence of lying in the air because of Miller’s authorial intrusion along with the general atmosphere in the
The rest was on religion, specifically John Proctor and Samuel Parris in a power struggle.
6: Hale appeared loaded down with heavy books.
7: Tituba falsely confesses because the torture becomes too much for her. The play becomes hysterical because one person after another gets of witchcraft.
Interpreting Meanings
8: The reader does not likely know the definition of the rare word “crucible”, which sounds a lot like crucify and indicates something about the supernatural when you put it together with the cover art if you’ve watched enough television. A theocracy is a religious government.
9: The Puritans believe that the devil lurks in the mostly-undiscovered virgin forest and it is the last place on earth in which he does.
10: Praying over somebody being unable to move creates an atmosphere of chaos.Jumping right into the middle of the scene creates a fast-paced atmosphere.
11: Abigail Williams is a liar, Mercy Lewis is unmerciful, Goody Ann is jealous of Goody Nurse. Mercy Lewis suggests slapping Ruth Putnam to wake her up. Abigail Williams had an affair with John Proctor.
12: Reverend Samuel Parris cares too much about earthly gain and what other people think of

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