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Recommended: Wind energy
Lastly, wind energy is cost effective in terms of the machinery used to provide it, as well as the cost of the energy produced. Although initially it was believed that the initial cost of wind turbine construction is too high to make it a cost effective alternative, long term studies have proven this to be inaccurate. Recently a study was conducted to determine the amount of time it would take for a new wind turbine, with an average lifecycle of about twenty years, to defray or offer net benefits greater than the impact it would cost to build them (Inderscience Publishers, 2014). It was determined from this study that the energy taken to produce wind turbines was offset after the turbines had been online and working for only five to eight …show more content…
A recent study has shown that wind energy will be one of the lowest priced forms of energy in Asia within the next ten years (Lappeenranta University of Technology, 2015). Information of this type does not need to be limited to Asia, however, as it is due to increased capacity, causing the price of the form of energy to fall (LUT, 2015). For instance, wind energy prices in the United States were reported as being exceedingly low in comparison to recent years (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, 2015). This has been accomplished through the building of bigger and taller turbines, which catch stronger winds caused by atmospheric pressure changes, as well as the falling prices of building wind turbines themselves. As further advancement is made to limit the cost of the production of materials and produce taller and more effective turbines, these costs can only decline further. To summarize these benefits, wind turbines are cost effective in that the energy costs are defrayed within a matter of months, turbines can operate for twenty-five years or longer at a significant production level, and costs to consumers are low and lowering further through the enhancement of the equipment and the further placement of
With concern over global warming growing, people are starting to turn a more serious eye toward cleaner sources of energy. Instead of solar power making a comeback as the ideal form, we are seeing a growth in the use of wind power. Wind farms are beginning to crop up all around the country. This new trend has gathered significant attention. Questions are being raised concerning the effects wind farms may have, from critics and supporters alike. Michelle Nijhuis, in the article “Selling the Wind” discusses the arguments on behalf of and in opposition to the increasing use of wind power, addressing what the consequences may be on the United States.
People in favor of the wind farm believe that the benefit of using wind energy is more important than anything the Sound currently offers. In perfect weather conditions the farm will supply three-quarters...
Not only is wind energy better than fossil fuel energy, it is also better than other new energy sources. “Wind costs are much more competitive with other generating technologies because there is no fuel to purchase and minimal operating expenses” (Wind Energy Basics 3). And as for the environmental concerns of bird population, the American Wind Energy Association said, “the modern wind turbine is far less harmful to birds than are radio towers, tall buildings, airplanes and vehicles and numerous other manmade objects. Bird deaths due to wind development will never be more than a very small fraction to those caused by other commonly accepted human activities” (Parks 58).
In this paper, I will write about the history and present use of wind power and the pros and cons of using wind power as an energy source in Vermont.
Renewable resources are resources that have the ability to restock itself in some quantity (Field, 2008). Thus, the amount of the resource available to be processed, is determined by the restock rate (Field, 2008). Renewable energy is commonly categorized with renewable resources. Renewable energy such as wind is beginning to take hold in many parts of Canada such as Alberta and Ontario (Jones, 2013). However, in Ontario, wind power has been seen as more of a problem than a solution.
There is physics involved in these wind turbines as they change wind into mechanical energy and then into electricity. The energy produced depends on the volume of the air, the density, and the wind speed. The mass per unit time is the mass times the density times the wind speed or m = mass, p = density, A = area, and v = wind speed; m = pAV. Because the function of the wind turbine is to transform the wind’s kinetic energy into electricity the equation for kinetic energy is needed; KE = ½ mv2 or kinetic energy equals one half the mass times the velocity squared. Then, using substitution, the power in the wind depends on the density of the air, area swept out by rotors, and the cube of the velocity or ½ pAV3. Using Betz’ law the theoretical energy model for extracting 59% of the energy is power = 16/27(½ pAV3) .
My company recently did a survey that shows that 51% of people think that alternative energy like wind turbines could truly help the environment which is the whole point of ASUs sustainable energy efforts. My compony was also able to find that in New Zealand they replaced their older turbines with more modern turbines and found that they create even more energy (The Cost of Wind Energy). According to this same article there was a report done that stated, “…existing wind farms have been developed with a long run marginal cost…. And that at the lower end of the scale, wind farms are competitive with alternative technologies” (The Cost of Wind Energy)
Reading up information and searching for clues (which were not extremely easy), turns out to have broadened my knowledge on Nature and Biomimicry itself and that there are so many people already using wind turbines to harvest the winds energy and know how the world can be saved. Therefore I have come to the conclusion and have seen that my hypothesis has been proven right.
First and foremost, unlike power plants that rely on combustion of fossil fuels, wind turbines do not produce atmospheric emissions. Strangely enough, wind is a form of solar energy. Winds are caused by the irregular heating of the atmosphere by the sun, the variations of the earth 's surface, and rotation of the earth. This wind flow, or kinetic energy, when "harvested" by modern wind turbines, can be used to generate electricity. There is an abundance of wind to meet our needs, “the potential of [the total] wind power [in the world] is… 20 times more than what the entire human population needs” (Maehlum). Currently, wind power is one of the lowest-priced renewable energy technologies available, costing between four and six cents per kilowatt-hour, depending upon the wind
Offshore wind turbines will provide more jobs, cut pollution, stop warming on our planet, and save us energy costs. These wind turbines can generate enough energy offshore to power about 500,000 homes. However, many people disagree with this idea because they believe it is too expensive. Offshore wind turbines have been a topic of discussion for a while now, and people just simply can’t agree. There are the supporters and there are the problem makers, as well as the advantages and disadvantages to this idea.
Wind Energy Cami Gouldy 4th 1/13/15 What is the real potential to the country of using wind energy to provide electricity? Some critic’s claim that wind energy cannot replace conventional power sources, For example, when the wind is not blowing it cost too much for the power sources to not be running and just sitting there. It can be beneficial to have generators and other resources on standby when large power sources are down. The wind power plants also cut down on pollution.
Wind power is one of the most sustainable ways of generating electricity as no toxic emissions are produced; it does not add to global warming and is one of the most available sources of renewable energy and theoretically it is an infinite source of energy. On sufficiently windy areas, wind turbines are one of the most economical methods of generating electricity, which makes it appealing to many individuals, governments and organizations. Due to this it is the fastest growing source of electricity in the world (Union of Concerned Scientists, 2014) with a 10% increase in yearly additions installed in 2012 compared with 2011 (Global Wind Energy Council, 2012). However the proportion of energy that can be harnessed through wind power is restricted by the cost of the infrastructure needed, construction, the amount of wind that occurs and that there are only a narrow number of sites within the UK that are windy enough for the wind turbines to be worth installing.
Wind is a form of solar energy. The term wind energy describes the process by which the wind is used to generate electricity or mechanical power. Wind turbines convert mechanical energy from the wind into electrical power. Wind turbines usually have three main parts. There are blades that connect to a central hub, a box behind the blades that contains the generator, and a long stem that connects to the ground. The way how it works is that the wind turns the blades, which spins a shaft that connects to a generator making electricity. After the electricity is produced it is sent through transmission lines to a substation that is sent to business and homes. For the sake of our planet, we must promote a renewable energy economy. Wind power can be a foundation of that sustainable energy future because it provides jobs in states that are building wind turbines, is a renewable energy source, and does not damage our environment. The environment will not be damaged by the pollution, the natural resources will not be used up, and there won’t be generating of hazardous wastes. Welcoming wind energy today will lay the foundation for a healthy tomorrow that will affect everyone in the United States. There are obstacles and challenges that will make it more difficult, but the environmental impact is well worth it to invest more money into wind energy.
The Wind Turbine is a device that converts the kinetic energy of the wind into kinetic energy of turbines. The turbines turn to generate electricity but they work only when there is wind. The efficiency is 30-40%. The environmental impacts are needs many large turbines to generate electricity which can be noisy and unsightly. Turbines may endanger birds and bats.
Deal, W. (n.d.). Wind power: An emerging energy resource.Technology & Engineering Teacher, 70(1), 9-15. Retrieved from http://web.b.ebscohost.com/ehost/detail?sid=a747d6c4-9f9f-4066-be3e-d7d26a427ef2@sessionmgr115&vid=1&hid=114&bdata=JkF1dGhUeXBlPWNvb2tpZSxpcCxjcGlkJmN1c3RpZD1zc2Mmc2l0ZT1laG9zdC1saXZlJnNjb3BlPXNpdGU=