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Artificial intelligence impact
The future of artificial intelligence (AI)
The future of artificial intelligence (AI)
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unsuccessfully be able to solve. Artificial Intelligence is the correct pathway to take, if you are considering to use it on mundane tasks. It would definitely make everybody's life easier. You don't have to use your brain as much, like you used it at school. The intelligence of AI will absolutely help the society to evolve, and to also make it so much stronger than it already is. It would provide a faster way to solve problems that humans can't solve. Artificial Intelligence may be really helpful, but for other people they believe that it is destroying the society. People that object artificial intelligence in the society, believes that A.I is going to take over the world. They have a mind concept that states that, A.I is going to make the …show more content…
They are afraid of A.I outsmarting them, in ways that will destroy them. The people that objects A.I, are afraid of what might happen in the future, and humanity. Others believe that A.I is a great advantage to society, and that it will not take over the world. At the end, no one knows, but God. The statistics of Artificial Intelligence, according to Garter, by 2020, customer interactions will increase 48.86%, and will be managed without the use humans. Also, voice recognition on Siri will increase its use by 13.84%, more people is expected to use Siri. Executives believe that decision-making will increase by 7.17%, it is considered the most important benefit. The Motley Fool in the article, 9 Artificial Intelligence Stats that will blow you away, states that "Artificial Intelligence robots will power 13.84% of customer service by 2020. This is stating that artificial intelligence is going to be used in customer service. It also states that the business content will increase 3.26% by 2018. The article 10 Stats about Artificial Intelligence that will blow you away, at the Motley Fool, demonstrates that executives believes that Artificial Intelligence will grow up to 13.03% by productivity, this includes work performance and creation of …show more content…
The technology that it has provided, has helped the society to solve many problems, problems that humans would have never figured out. According to Globussoft Technology Ahead of Time in the article, "What is the Importance of Artificial Intelligence in Everyday Life?", it states that "The technology that Artificial Intelligence has provided, has been a part of an everyday service for the public." Artificial Intelligence is being used world-wide, this demonstrates that Artificial Intelligence is indeed necessary, without it, the society may have a drastic downfall.Furthermore, Artificial Intelligence is being used in Medical Science, it has the ability to provide the patient assistance for 24/7. Artificial Intelligence is providing many opportunities to improve the society, it is providing its intelligence to discover different ways to make everybody's life much better and easier. Without the help of artificial intelligence the society may not be able to evolve and become a better world. In the overall, Artificial Intelligence is the key to success, it has made a big impact to the society. If the society didn't have A.I, then the society would be in a position where it wouldn't be able to move. People all around the world has noticed that without Artificial Intelligence, they won't be too solve problems, make better decisions, etc. The world
... in 21th century, and it might already dominate humans’ life. Jastrow predicted computer will be part of human society in the future, and Levy’s real life examples matched Jastrow’s prediction. The computer intelligence that Jastrow mentioned was about imitated human brain and reasoning mechanism. However, according to Levy, computer intelligence nowadays is about developing AI’s own reasoning pattern and handling complicated task from data sets and algorithms, which is nothing like human. From Levy’s view on today’s version of AI technology, Jastrow’s prediction about AI evolution is not going to happen. As computer intelligence does not aim to recreate a human brain, the whole idea of computer substitutes human does not exist. Also, Levy said it is irrelevant to fear AI may control human, as people in today’s society cannot live without computer intelligence.
Humans are becoming more technologically-efficient every day. New inventions and innovations are constantly being made. The Internet is becoming more “reliable” every day. However, how much do we really get from the constant advancement of Internet use and smarter technology? Should we look at their contributions to the world as a benefactor or a curse? The common effect of “artificial intelligence” in the technology we use every day is examined by two brilliant authors, Nicholas Carr and Jamias Cascio. In Carr’s article, “Is Google Making Us Stupid”, he explains the effects of the Internet and technology in our society and claims that the overuse of technology is dangerous and can affect how our mind operates. Jamias Cascio, on the other hand, uses his article “Get Smarter” to show the positive effects of technology in our constantly adaptive society claims that technology may just be making our society smarter and more efficient. While Carr and Cascio both use the claim of cause in their articles to provide valid points on how technology affects our society, Carr’s article proves to be more effective because it focuses on skeptical-based evidence and uses a variety of appeals and proofs.
From the beginning, as technology casually began to integrate into our daily routine. A significant portion of society lived in constant fear of a possible uprising from an advanced robotic regime, which we built to serve us, which would rally together and enslave the entire human race. Well, probably not that many people believed this, nevertheless, the scenario has been depicted in popular media for several decades. This iconic list of nefarious antagonists includes HAL 90001, M52, Master Control Program3, Skynet4, and the demented little robot who dastardly ascertained the capacity to ‘love’, Wall-E5. A science fiction writer named Isaac Asimov, who was also popular for portraying this theme, became immortalized on the day his Three Laws of Robotics6 were published. The laws which were substantially influential on pop culture, were written as follows; (1) A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm. (2) A robot must obey the orders given to it by human beings, except where such orders would conflict with the First Law. (3) A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Laws7. The overwhelming success from the introduction of these laws unto mainstream media could be seen as a reflection of the subtle concern present amongst the general public when considering Artificial Intelligence (AI)8. Even Stephen Hawking laid out his extreme concerns recently, over the future of AI, by remarking "success in creating AI would be the biggest event in human history,[but] unfortunately, it might also be the last"9. However, computing technology, as it exists today, functions at only a fraction of the human brain’s capacity and it w...
Kurzweil’s view of this thought is positive because he believes artificial intelligence is the future as appose to Carr who thinks negatively because we are currently revolving our actions around technology too much. Carr believes technology effects every thing around us including our every day lives. He also states that we are on the way to having artificial intelligence. Kurzweil’s theory of artificial intelligence will be greatly exceeding stating that, “The rate of technological change will not be limited to human mental speeds. Machine intelligence will improve its own abilities in a feedback cycle that unaided human intelligence will not be able to follow”(Kurzweil 470). Therefore explaining that artificially intelligent machines will be able to solely improve themselves making it not possible for humans to follow, hence changing the way the world is. Also claiming that, “Nanobots will interact with biological neurons to vastly extend human experience by creating virtual reality from within the nervous system”(Kurzweil 471). Carr agrees more in a current point of view that the Internet is becoming artificially intelligent and discusses how the founders of Google “speak(s) frequently of their desire to turn their search engine into an artificial intelligence, a HAL-like machine that might be connected directly to our brains”(Carr 116). Which connects back to Kurzweil’s theory but just in a present point of view. Also Kurzweil believes that through Singularity, machines will be able to give help to a person in such a simple way. Although Carr’s article goes in agreement with what Kurzweil theory is Carr himself does not believe that the revolution of technology is a good thing, he simply agrees that we are heading to artificial intelligence. Carr’s text shows
Throughout the article, Ford uses data to provide information on the current state of unemployment. He notes that from analysis, it was determined that the U.S. market is highly polarized from existing technology. Because of this polarization, it will be challenging for workers to find new jobs, if AI becomes more widespread and used. Ford concludes that, “it becomes somewhat difficult to imagine just what jobs might be left for even the most capable human works” if AI ever matches or exceeds human intelligence.
Personally, I don't believe that true artificial intelligence can ever be reached. I believe that a computer can be so advanced that it may appear to be thinking on it's own, but only because a man programmed it to think away. I don't think that a computer can teach itself common sense and the true ability to reason between right and wrong like humans can. And since I believe this, I see no problem in expanding technology and creating online communities as Rheingold and Bruckman would.
Currently, computers can calculate and run algorithms much faster than humans, and if strong A.I. was to exist, these technological beings would be intelligently superior to human kind. Elon Musk, a world renowned technological genius, fears Silicon Valley’s rush into artificial intelligence, because he believes it poses a threat to humanity (Dowd, Maureen). Musk stated that “one reason to colonize Mars – so that we’ll have a bolt-hole if A.I. goes rogue and turns on humanity” (Dowd, Maureen). The possibility of this outcome is real because if strong A.I. was to exist, they have the potentially to surpass humans in every aspect. The main difference between A.I. and humans is that humans are conscious beings that can think for themselves. If A.I. was to develop consciousness, they would be able to do every task much more efficiently than humans. According to Stephen Hawking, “If people design computer viruses, someone will design AI that improves and replicates itself. This will be a new form of life that outperforms humans” (Sulleyman, Aatif). This world-renowned physicist believes that A.I. will begin to self-improve upon themselves through an algorithm that allows A.I. to learn. Ultimately, this technological being will advance to a point where it realizes that it does not need humans anymore. “Back in 2015, he [Stephen Hawking] also
Artificial Intelligence, also known as AI, allows a machine to function as if the machine has the capability to think like a human. While we are not expecting any hovering cars anytime soon, artificial intelligence is projected to have a major impact on the labor force and will likely replace about half the workforce in the United States in the decades to come. The research in artificial intelligence is advancing rapidly at an unstoppable rate. So while many people feel threatened by the possibility of a robot taking over their job, computer scientists actually propose that robots would benefit a country’s efficiency of production, allowing individuals to reap the benefits of the robots. For the advantage of all, researchers and analysts have begun to mend the past ideas of human-robot interaction. They have pulled inspiration from literary works of Isaac Asimov whom many saw as the first roboticist ahead of his time, and have also gotten ideas of scholarly research done by expert analysts. These efforts have began to create an idea of a work force where humans and robots work together in harmony, on a daily basis.
Pop culture has explored this idea and gave fictional tales of what can happen if artificial intelligence “goes bad”. While it may not be a credible source, it still has room for interpretation. Allowing robotics what is arguably the most influential trait today, a mind, is a frightening thought. Researching the human mind is still a field of study today and is not fully understood. How can scientists and researchers behind artificial intelligence accurately come up with how the human mind interacts with itself and its surroundings? Yes, they can start with the ability to learn, such as a path of an infant absorbing knowledge through its adolescence, but what if the expansion of information becomes exponential? The artificial intelligence may gain full control and depth of their mind and comprehend the world differently as humans do. This brings the artificial intelligence to a cognitive and spiritual level beyond that of the human mind. If this were to happen humans cannot be able to understand the artificial intelligence. They have programmed it to learn itself, its mind, and how to operate. What level is that beyond a human mind, a god? At one point researchers that developed the artificial intelligence had a grasp and outlook for their technology’s lifespan. What they thought the artificial intelligence may derive from its programming, has transformed into something completely dissimilar. The artificial
In order to see how artificial intelligence plays a role on today’s society, I believe it is important to dispel any misconceptions about what artificial intelligence is. Artificial intelligence has been defined many different ways, but the commonality between all of them is that artificial intelligence theory and development of computer systems that are able to perform tasks that would normally require a human intelligence such as decision making, visual recognition, or speech recognition. However, human intelligence is a very ambiguous term. I believe there are three main attributes an artificial intelligence system has that makes it representative of human intelligence (Source 1). The first is problem solving, the ability to look ahead several steps in the decision making process and being able to choose the best solution (Source 1). The second is the representation of knowledge (Source 1). While knowledge is usually gained through experience or education, intelligent agents could very well possibly have a different form of knowledge. Access to the internet, the la...
Artificial intelligence has become a big controversy between scientists within the past few years. Will artificial intelligence improve our communities in ways we humans can’t, or will they just cause danger to us? I believe that artificial intelligence will only bring harm to our communities. There are multiple reasons why artificial intelligence will bring danger to humanity, some of them being: you can’t trust them, they will lead to more unemployment, and they will cause more obesity.
The entire world depends on computers and we always take answers from the computer because we think computers don't make mistakes. Even while I am typing this essay, the computer is helping me to get a result better than my results without the aid of a computer. it is said that the human mind will never be replaced by the computer because we are the ones that created them. we only know the computer wins is when it outsmarts us but till now, we are winning. Computers can calculate and evaluate problems that humans can barely think of, yet even come close to. Maybe mankind could calculate the problems that a computer can, they will always be solved way faster by the computer. Humans want the computers to do the work for them, thinking that sitting and watching everything being done in ...
It advances education substantially, saves many lives, allows communication throughout the world instantly, organizes so much information that is easily accessible, and helps with innovation and creativity in humans. Sure there are negatives to it, but what really matters is how much the positives and negatives weigh out. It has advanced the human race so far above any other race on Earth that we have trouble keeping up with it. The beauty behind it is that it can never stop advancing. There will always be that more that can be upgraded or invented, and it’s only getting better. What will be next? Flying cars powered by wind power? Just wait to see where we will be by the year
Recently, the media has spent an increasing amount of broadcast time on new technology. The focus of high-tech media has been aimed at the flurry of advances concerning artificial intelligence (AI). What is artificial intelligence and what is the media talking about? Are these technologies beneficial to our society or potential threats? Medical facilities, police departments, and manufacturing plants have all been changed by AI. Will machine language and artificial neural network replace humans in the future?
Artificial intelligence is an idea of if the human thought process can be mechanized. It was around the 1940’s – 50’s that a group of people came together to discuss the possibility of creating an artificial brain and its uses. These people were a variety of scientists from different fields such as mathematics, economics, engineering, and etc. This was the birth of the field of artificial intelligence. While artificial intelligence would prove to be technologically revolutionary by introducing new ideas such as quantum computers or robots, said new ideas could result in the downfall of mankind. The result could range to being the plummet of the economy, the end of the human race, or even the corruption of the next generation and onwards. All of these problems resulting in the possibility of the end of the earth. The more we need to learn more about technology and further advance it, the closer we are getting to the extinction of the human race. These are the reasons why the advancement of artificial intelligent should be halted or banned so no harm can be done even without the intentions.