The Complexity of Evil in Morison´s The Bluest Eye

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The book The Bluest Eye is a real representation of what Morison the author thought growing up as a black girl in a city in Georgia was like. She wanted to be as realistic as she could, the point of the novel is not to be some heart-warming story about how a young black girl can rise up in the Georgia neighborhood that she lived in. But about the hard and confusing life of a black girl. There was no true hero and there was no goal but just a girl trying to understand the world in which she lives in. This book emphasizes the cruel reality in the black communities in Georgia. Morison’s views on realistic evil is present as she try’s to show though Cholly Breadlove the true cause of evil. Morrison wants to show that there is no clear evil in the world, she thinks that most people aren’t born bad but impacted and forced to the point of evil.
When Cholly raped his daughter the act was horrible and Morrison wants us to understand the things that impacted Cholly to rape Picola. But many neighbors based on their perspective with no true understanding of Cholly still think that he is not fully at fault. They think Picola may have at the very least had contributed to the problem. An example of this can be scene in any of the neighborhood conversations. “'None of the Breedlove’s seem right anyhow.' That boy is off somewhere every minute, and the girl is always foolish'... 'She carry some of the blame.' 'Oh come on. She ain't but twelve or so.' 'Yeah. But you never know. How come she didn’t fight him?'”(189). The view of the neighborhood is divided, but they agree that what Cholly did was horrible. However they are divided who is to blame like how she probably never resisted. This is what Morrison is trying to display, even in what seems lik...

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...e Bluest Eye uses many themes and combines them with what Morrison believes is a accurate representation of what growing within the Black community was like. It takes many controversial topics even by todays standards and the topic of evil is addressed in many forms in the story. It took the form as being the white community as well as the black community. But the that was the most interesting was Cholly himself. He takes the form of being in her eyes what true evil is. He would not have done what he did if he was brought up properly. This does not excuse him from the crime, but it shows the reader that it is never a clear issue and by looking at the action that happen one should look for the why's not just the how's. Morrison believes that there is a little good in every evil looking person and the way they become evil is not their choice they are forced to do so.

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