The Cincinnati Initiative To Reduce Violence: A Case Study

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The Cincinnati Initiative to Reduce Violence is a program based on multi agencies and community collaboration to reduce gun violence and homicides. Law enforcement agencies, the community and social service providers all have the same common goal, which is to stop the violent street crimes. To reach the goal, in-call sessions where used to communicate with probation and parole officers as well as some probationers and parolees. The community and media was also contacted to help achieve the goal. Law enforcement agencies worked to gather information from violent street groups. Those who continued to engage in the were given consequences. For those who “turned a new leaf” and became productive were provided with social services, trainings, education and employment.
The project used a focused deterrence approach as a way to end the violence. The focused deterrence approach says that only a small percentage of individuals account for a majority of the crimes. For Cincinnati, thirty percent of the population was identified as a violent …show more content…

The Cincinnati Imitative to Reduce Violence Project targeted these individuals by promising swift and certain punishment as well as prosecution to those who continued the violence. Probationers and Parolees were required to attend sessions about the project as a requirement for their conditions. They were told to also spread information about the project to their peers and other gang members to reduce the violence with the threat of punishment if it continued and opportunities they could utilize if they conformed. A study done by Samuel Peterson, Amy Deger, Jeffrey Clutter, and Dr. Robin Engel explained an evaluation of the CIRV project showed a 42% decrease in gang violence and homicide. For the CIRV to continue to be successful, continued monitoring and targeting offenders and gangs to prevent crime

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