The Characteristics Of Neanderthals: The Evolution Of Humans And Humans

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This paper will examine the characteristics that it takes to being considered a species that is fully human. We will be focusing on who the Neantherthals and the Denisovans were, and what evidence do we have. Lastly, based through research, we will conclude whether Neanderthals were, and how they lived. Lastly, based through research, we will conclude whether Neanderthal’s meet the requirements to being considered fully human. Being human, we hold certain identifying characteristics that separates us from the rest of the animal kingdom. Modern day humans are able to walk upright and our bodies are able to withstand long distance running. More over, our heads are big and round, our jaws do not protrude out. Most importantly, we have face forward facing eyes. These are just certain physical characteristics that makes us human. Before us, we can see that our ancestors had primitive features, who were adapted to living in trees. In addition, the use of tools and other skills allowed early humans to adapt to new areas. The use of tools allowed for …show more content…

For the most part, Neanderthals are physically and genetically similar to modern humans of today. For example, a small percentage of 4% of Europeans and Asians have inherited DNA from Neanderthals (Smiley, Unit 11). This implies that Neanderthals and modern humans were interbreeding. Moreover, the body structure differed within the rib cage. Trento Holiday made an astonishing observation, he noted that the Neanderthal rib cage flared out, which does not happen in humans. In other words, the Neanderthal had no waist. Because of this, Neanderthals were built for cold adaptation and were able to retain heat much better (Video, “Neanderthal: The Rebirth”). The Neanderthals did not completely vanish; we see them today. Some individuals carry their DNA like Europeans and

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