The Cepheus Constellation

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While studying the solar system in our eighth grade science class, we were each assigned a constellation to research. The constellation that was assigned to me was Cepheus. In this paper my goal is to explain the myth behind this constellation and describe its features.
To achieve my goal, I have organized my paper into three main sections, one of which has sub-sections. In the first section, I will explain the Greek mythology that is associated with the constellation Cepheus. In the second section, I will describe the physical characteristics of this constellation: discovery, location, shape, size, visibility, stars, and special characteristics. I will end my paper with a conclusive section about my constellation and research.
The constellation Cepheus is named after the Ethiopian King Cepheus. This is why the constellation is also referred to as the King. Cepheus was married to Cassiopeia. Together, they had a daughter named Andromeda. The myth states:
Cassiopeia claimed she and her daughter, Andromeda, were more beautiful than the sea nymphs, the ...

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