The Blitz

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The Blitz

Source Based

The Tone and language of Source A conveys that the author believes it

was a period to be proud of and also suggests that the Blitz was a

period of celebration rather than a destructive time. This is

supported by words like “Unshakeable determination” this suggests that

even though the British people were bombarded with constant bombing

they never gave up. The book also acknowledges the tragedy and

destruction that took place during the blitz, “appalling

circumstances”, but despite this the British people were heroes, just

like soldiers fighting in the war. The book shows that there was

destruction and tragedy yet the British citizens still stuck together

and continued to show courage and determination. The British people

didn’t let the Blitz effect the way the behaved and still remained


Question 2

Source B is useful because the date of Source B is 1943, this was a

time when the British public would have had enough of the constant

bombing and wide spread terror. Pictures like this would damage the

morale of British citizens and may lead to civil unrest; the

government therefore had to ban it. It is also useful because the

picture shows a bombed out school suggesting that non- military

targets were bombed; this would also have amplified the demoralisation

of the British Public because many parents still sent there children

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