The Biggest Criticisms Of The Drake Equation

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The Drake Equation is an argument proposed by Dr. Frank Drake in 1961, which dwells on the basis of probability theory. The equation is an attempt to multiply all variables that are relevant in estimating the number of communicating extraterrestrial civilisations present in our Milky Way Galaxy. During September of 1959, physicists Giuseppe Cocconi and Philip Morrison proposed that radio waves detected by radio telescopes may have been a form of communication from extraterrestrial life (COCCONI, & MORRISON, 1959).

It was only 2 months later that Harvard University astronomy professor Harlow Shapley hypothesized the number of inhabited planets in our Universe (Sydney Morning Herald, 1959). He stated that “The universe has 10 million, million, …show more content…

The biggest criticism of the Drake Equation focuses mainly on its arbitrary nature and the fact that many variables in the equation are based entirely on speculation. Although, parameters such as the rate of star formation have sufficient scientific evidence, other variables are subject to vast interpretation. Different scientists with conflicting perspectives will have widely different answers, meaning that conclusions drawn from the equation are highly inaccurate and unscientific (Dvorsky, 2007).

Another common argument that is often cited is the Fermi Paradox. The Fermi Paradox criticizes the blatant contradiction between the absence of evidence and the high probability rates estimated by the Drake Equation (Schilling & MacRobert, 2009). It states that according to the many propositions supporting the existence of extraterrestrial life, the Earth should have, by the present day, already been visited by them (Schilling & MacRobert, 2009). The Fermi Paradox is based on first-hand observations and is thus, more scientifically reliable and valid criticism of the Drake Equation. Consequently, the equation is widely obsolete due to the lack of any genuine evidence demonstrating any sign of extraterrestrial

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