The Big Five Personality Traits

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Employee personalities are an essential component to the success or failure of a company. Given that, a person’s ability to function in a work environment relates to that person’s personality traits. Each person’s personality traits can be broken down into The Big five personality traits are categories. Thus, The big five traits are neuroticism, extraversion, openness to experience, agreeableness and conscientiousness. In addition to understanding the big five factors in a general sense, It is helpful to understand them in a personal sense; due to this I will describe my big five results.
The Big Five Personality Traits To begin, an organization can use the big five personality traits to determine how well a person will fit into, and if they will thrive in an environment. The five factor model is another name for the big five. “The model includes such features as neuroticism, extraversion, openness to experience, agreeableness and conscientiousness. Neurotic individuals are characterized as vulnerable and inclined to experience negative emotions. Extraverted people are energetic, assertive, active and sociable, and they tend to experience positive emotions.
Understanding the big five factors in a general sense, and personal sense is important in view of the fact that one can apply to their work life, and personal life. On the same note, taking a big five factor assessment can be useful to one, due to the fact that a person can learn new information about themselves that they had never given a deeper analysis to. The in depth information that one gains from such an assessment can apply to their daily life, and used to more effectively understand the people that surround them. If everyone in a workplace knew what parts of their personality needed improvement the organizations productivity and employee satisfaction may

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