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The consequences of sin
The consequences of sin
Original sin: consequences and nature
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Recommended: The consequences of sin
Audience: Young adults aged 18-25
All throughout the Old Testament there is a cycle: sin - judgement - cry/prayer - deliverance - reject God again. Think about it. It is almost in any Bible story that you have ever been told. Even in creation, Adam and Eve sinned, God brought judgment, they both cried out in shame and despair, God delivered them and removed them from the garden, only for their son Cain to reject God by killing his brother Abel and the cycle begins again. Think about the story of Jonah and the big fish. Jonah ran away and did the opposite of what God had sent him to do, then he got swallowed by a fish. Jonah realised what he had done and he cried out to God, God delivers him and he gets spat back out of the fish. He does what God tells him to do and the cycle continues. Just like we disobey our parents, the people of Israel disobeyed God. Then they would bring judgment upon themselves and get themselves into trouble, they would cry out for deliverance. God saves them once again and they are happy with God and themselves, then they disobey again.
Creation: The Bible begins with Genesis; when the very fibres of the world came into
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He is a God of loyalty and like a parent, He wants what is best for His children even if it requires discipline. The cycle of God as a redeemer is so evident throughout all of Israel’s history. Even after severing their relationship with God during the fall of Israel to Babylon, God still shows love for His people and offers them yet another chance to return to Him. All they had to do was repent and change their ways and God would bring them back from exile. This is the same as what God would do for each and every one of us today. No matter what we have done or how much we have rejected God, He still offers us another chance. However, through a new covenant of Jesus Christ we are no longer come under judgment when we sin but Jesus removes all trace of our sin when we ask for
In The Battle for the Beginning, MacArthur directs believers to recognize the scriptural claim that first three chapters of Genesis concerning creation are the record of a literal and historical event. MacArthur senses a growing shift amongst modern evangelical believers who seek to revise or interpret the events of creation in a non-literal or naturalistic way. Macarthur reasons that a non-literal or naturalistic interpretation discounts what the scriptures says, and ultimately undermines Christian theology. For MacArthur the Bibl...
“In the beginning when God created the heavens and the earth” (Genesis 1:1). This section of a verse from the NRSV started the grand story of the bible. In the beginning the Bible brings two things to focus. The two things that are focused on is the setting and the main characters of the Bible (Professor Smallbones). The Bible opens in Genesis 1 with God creating. God creates light, the earth, the sun, living creatures, and many other things, but most importantly God creates humans. As God is the main character in the grand story he immediately forms a personal relationship with man and woman. God created Adam the first man and Eve the first woman. In the book, The Unfolding Drama of The Bible, Anderson says, “The
The Old Testament of the Bible, which includes the Book of Genesis, was also passed down through oral tradition before the Hebrews wrote it down from 1000-300 B.C. Both of these documents express the religious attitudes of these people as their story of the creation of the world and of humankind unfolds.
From the beginning of Genesis till the end of Revelations, none could deceive God. God gave people the knowledge, God gave people everything that they need to follow Him and fulfill His command. For example, God gave Moses enough details for rituals that were about to happen in a specific time and location, and even the reason why what was going to happen would take place. God gave His people a chance that to show their obedience to His ways and show those rituals, sacrifice and offering to Him. Instead of following Him, people chose to follow their hearts, which made them became sinners, and became the subject for God’s judgment. But He loved His creations so much, He sent out His only son to the world to wash human being’s sins away. In Hosea 6:6, “For I desire mercy and not sacrifice, and the knowledge of God more than burnt offerings (Hosea 6:6).” God always wants His people to follow Him with their full heart. The only way to God is through His son Jesus. He promised people if they accepted Jesus Christ as their savior, He would bless them. It is such a powerful promise which should passed by
The Hebrew Bible, better known as the Old Testament, is a collection of tomes that form part of the Biblical canon. Many scholars around the world do not think that a single author wrote the books contained in the Hebrew Bible, but rather that it represents centuries of stories frequently compiled after the events they describe . The stories were created with visions for the future, in order to allow audiences insight into communities and beliefs that were common thought during their era. The stories responded to the issues and problems of their time, but also addressed contemporary climates. While the stories themselves may not be true, they convey truth without needing literal readings. For example, the creation stories in Genesis, portray God as creating the universe, and while this is considered as not ‘literally true’; the stories communicate theological truths about mankind’s relationship with God through the eyes of Hebrew writers .
After creating a pure and perfect world which he declared “good,” God experienced His first disappointment in humans. When He placed Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden and instructed them not to eat from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, Adam and Eve made the decision to disobey God and eat from it. According to the Old Testament, this decision gave Adam and Eve’s descendants (all humans) their sinful human nature, which as a result separated those who did not repent from God’s grace. Eventually the world was full of wickedness and a new side of YHWH came out. The God of unconditional love who is often thought of tended to be a God ...
In Judaism, God is seen as having a contractual relationship with the Jewish people where they must obey his holy laws in return for their status of the chosen people. God rewards or punishes Jewish people based on whether they obey or disobey his will. In parts of the Old Testament, however, God does show mercy or forgiveness, and in later interpretations God’s laws such as the Ten Commandments are followed
Ken Ham, president of Answers in Genesis, once said, “What you believe about who you are, where you came from, affects your whole worldview.” As a Christian, Ken Ham understands that believers must have a clear understanding of their origin and for what purpose they were created if they are to be unwavering in their beliefs. This foundational knowledge is provided by God in his word. While the entire Bible is important and no part should be undervalued, the first few chapters are some of the most critical in the construction of the believer’s worldview. Genesis 1-11 is essential in the construction of a biblical worldview and reveals to Christians God’s purpose for the world, humans, relationships, and civilizations.
...Temple (this action is also noted in 2nd Chronicles). In Nehemiah, Artaxerxes allows the Jews to rebuild Jerusalem’s walls. These actions are attributed to God’s favor and reveal that God is still faithful to his people. The promises made to Abraham are still in effect, along with the Mosaic and Davidic covenants. Although the people disobeyed God and were punished, God continues to exhibit his love for Israel. From an overview of the writings of the Old Testament, the theme of God’s faithfulness is displayed.
Intro An account of creation is found in the book of Genesis. Chapters one through eleven tell of how and when God created the Earth, the Heavens, all forms of life, and everything else in the Universe. Genesis also tells the stories of Adam and Eve as well as all of their descendants. Genesis is part of the living Word of God, providing details of the character of God, the principles of man, and man’s relation to God.
The ancient reading, “The Epic of Creation/Enuma Elish” and the beginning of the Holy Bible Old Testament, Genesis are two distinct passages that share many different qualities. Ranging from how the universe was ever created, to the origin of power and rule over others, both stories reveal persistence, strength, and honor. Genesis 1:1-2:4, Genesis 2:4-3:34 from the Holy Bible, and “The Epic of Creation”, have similar beginnings that determine the endings of both stories.
The biblical narrative is one that is still going on to this day. The biblical narrative tells the story of God and how he reveals himself to us. Rhodes points out that “God comes to each through a historical event or series of events” (2). It is in this way that God reveals himself to us and this maintains the relevance of the biblical narrative in our lives. God reveals himself through formative stories in the bible such as Creation, Adam and Eve, the Fall of Man, The Flood, God’s Covenant with Noah, and the Tower of Babel. From the very beginning of the biblical narrative we see that God relates to us on a personal level. He created us, he formed us, he created the world in which we live, and he has been an active participant in the narrative since before it began.
Redemption as a theme in the bible is one that seems to go through a transitional phase. The idea in this case is a representation of freedom, setting free from bondage or exchange of something that one has in their possession for another that is in another person’s possession. The concept in this case can best be defined as a sort of ransoming or trade off. Both the writers in the Old Testament as well as those in the New Testament differently interpret and expound on this theme. The concepts adopted by both sides remain the same to date; however, the events that surround the interpretation from both sides bring out two very different interpretations of the same concept.
Genesis is the first creation story. God creates, establishes, and puts everything into motion. After putting all of this in motion he then rests. He creates everything on earth in just seven days. Before creation Gods breath was hovering over a formless void. God made earth and all of the living creatures on earth out of nothing. There was not any pre-existent matter out of which the world was produced. Reading Genesis 1 discusses where living creatures came from and how the earth was formed. It’s fascinating to know how the world began and who created it all. In Genesis 1 God is the mighty Lord and has such strong power that he can create and banish whatever he would like. His powers are unlike any others. The beginning was created from one man only, God.
Judah, with the help of their religious leaders, rejected the words of Jesus Christ. They would not believe the truth about who God is. They believed they already knew God through their own interpretations of the Old Testament scriptures. Year after year, the Jewish people used animal sacrifice during Passover in order to thank God for how Moses led them out of Egypt. They did not understand that the Passover was something far greater than a deliverance out of a slavery in Egypt. The paradox is that the Jewish people rejected the Lamb whom God had sent to deliver man from sin, their Passover