The Benefits of Community-Based Alternatives to Incarceration

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As crime and arrest rates continue to climb, prisons across the nation, and even the world are beginning to experience immense overcrowding, placing a burden on both the prison personnel and inmate population. Nevertheless, this scenario is nothing unusual for anyone who has either worked some time for served some time in almost any prison. With most prison staff members suffering from high levels of stress from the unbearable workloads placed upon them, work conditions are starting to be considered near impossible, which is completely unacceptable. However, it’s to be expected if you work in a prison. So, what does the correctional department do to address this issue? Surely, officials aren’t apprehending a lesser amount of individuals who commit petty crimes or drive under the influence. Needless to say, what should an organization, like the criminal justice system do with low-risk offenders to keep them from clogging up the cells in jails and soaking up unnecessary tax money? Well, the only true way to eliminate a growing prison population is to discuss, analyze, and apply prison alternatives as possible criteria for sentencing, as well as rehabilitation. Alternatives such as probation, parole, and community service will help keep prison populations at bay and within a manageable rate. In addition, tax dollars can be utilized for another issue, while low-risk criminal offenders can give back to the community by performing duties mandated by the legal system. The idea is to lessen the stress from prison overcrowding and leave vacancy open for those convicted of capital crimes. However, those apprehended for committing miniscule crimes may just need some rehabilitation to get their lives straightened out. Community-based sentenci...

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