The Benefits Of Conventional Medicine

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Conventional medicine is when healthcare professionals treat symptoms and diseases using drugs, radiation, or surgery. Conventional medications are the typical drugs that general doctor would prescribe during a visit. If a person goes to a doctor because their throat hurts the doctor is going to check for strep throat. If the patient has strep throat, then the doctor is going to prescribe them a drug to take for seven to ten days and then they will be cured. That is not always what happens when someone gets sick, people can get the same sickness multiple times and go through different medicines every time. That is because the medicine is doing the work and not the person. If a person keeps getting the flu or a cold, the medicine could be helping, …show more content…

We should be encouraging alternative medicinal solutions to diseases first such as herbalism, homeopathy, and acupuncture before using conventional methods. One of the alternative medicine solutions is herbalism. Herbalism defined by Merriam-Webster Dictionary is the art or practice of using herbal preparations to maintain health and to prevent, alleviate, or cure disease. MORE HISTORY AND HOW IT WORKS HERE. There are many types of herbs, some of the most common are aloe vera, cinnamon, cranberry, flaxseed, garlic, ginger, green tea, lavender, peppermint oil, and tea tree oil.
Aloe vera is very common, and has multiple purposes. People use aloe vera for healing sunburns and keeping their skin from peeling, or treat constipation if taken orally through the latex form. Cinnamon comes from a cassia tree and oils use the bark, leaves or twigs. Cinnamon is commonly used to help treat bronchitis. It can also be used as a dietary …show more content…

Homeopathy is defined as a system of medical practice that treats a disease especially by the administration of minute doses of a remedy that would in larger amounts produce symptoms in healthy people similar to those of the disease. The definition comes from the theory that like curses like. “the notion that a disease can be cured by a substance that produces similar symptoms in healthy people” (NCCIH, IN TEXT CITATION). The other theory that homeopathy follows states “the notion that the lower the dose of the medication, the greater its effectiveness” (IN TEXT CITATION). This is called the Law of Minimal Doses, and it causes the solutions to be so dilute the substance is gone. Research is showing that homeopathy is not effective. The researchers are claiming that the tests are hard to conduct because each treatment is individualized, and the solutions are so dilute that there is no possible way they can have any impact on the patient. People try homeopathy as an alternative solution because it is said that there are no side effects. This is because the solution is super

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