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Research on classroom sizes
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The Band-Aid Approach- Not the Best Solution
The band-aid approach has been the most common solution to working with students at risk. The name for this approach comes from the purpose of a band-aid; to cover up a problem but not fix it. A problem with this resolution is only having half-day sessions focusing on one topic for these students. This is not helping in the end because for the other half of the day, when they are in their regular classroom settings, this type of attention and teaching is not practiced (Finn, 1998). Thus, this is considered a band-aid approach because it only temporarily conceals the problem without fixing it.
Furthermore, children have an understanding of what they are missing by being in a large sized class. When second graders were asked what would be different if they were in smaller classes, they answered that they would be able to talk more often, ask more questions, and get to be “Star of the Week” for a longer period of time (Handley, 2002). The mere fact that these young students are realizing that they could get more attention is not only astounding but also surreal.
Project STAR: One of the 1st Large-Scale Studies on the Effects of Reduced Class Size
Between the years of 1985 and 1989, seventy nine elementary schools in Tennessee participated in the only large-scale, controlled study of the effects of reduced class size, Project STAR (Finn, 1998). Children that entered kindergarten were randomly assigned to either a class of thirteen to seventeen pupils, twenty two to twenty six, or twenty two to twenty six with a teacher’s assistant. The students remained in these settings for the next four years. What this study produced were results that confirmed benefits of small classes in primary grades. Smaller classes outperformed the larger classes in all instances, including word study skills, reading, basic skills reading, math, basic skills math, motivation and self concept (Finn, 1998). Since the most noteworthy occasions deal with substantial reductions, minorities seem to thrive on smaller classes. Minorities, most of which are used to extremely large class sizes, are the best example to show what a substantial reduction can generate, and with these particular students improving, the achievement gap is therefore reduced (Finn, 1998).
The Follow Up to the Project STAR Study: Lasting Benefits Study
Mental illness in the classroom has become an issue that is important for teachers, not just parents, to look out for. According to Cinda Johnson, “Studies indicate that 1 in 5 adolescents have some sort of serious emotional, behavioral, or mental health problem”(Johnson). When adolescents spend half of their days in school, it is important that their teachers take the time to notice unusual signs their students may be showing them. Teachers have the opportunity and the influence to help students work toward a better future. In Graziano’s article, however, the teacher’s influence was spun the wrong way and led to mistreatment of the six-year-old boy and his learning disability. Johnson explains, “Effective teachers are “responsive to students’ problems and…emphasize reciprocity and the value of their students’ perspectives and feelings”(Johnson). The issue of disability in the classroom coincides with the issue of teacher and student trust in the classroom. In both articles there...
Grades also cause a seen diversity among the students. That would be the half that get great grades, and the other half with lower grades. At a young age children can realize which section the fall into. Some students that fall into the lower half may push themselves to do better, but others will not. They see no point when they think they cannot be the higher half. The odds are not in those kids favor, and they know
Parenting alone is not to blame for poor school performance of African American children. The size of a school affects their student’s dropout rate. When school size increases the quality of education decreases. As stated by Velma Zahirovic-Herbert and Geoffrey
...ned. A group study published by the Teachers College Record Journal compares high school students who attended small classes to those who did not. The results reveal that students who participated in smaller classes were “2.5 months ahead in all school subjects, and as much as five months ahead in some, compared to their counterparts who attended regular classes” (Finn et al. 168). Similar research supports that idea that small classes produce even greater long-term benefits when class-size reduction is extended for additional years during primary education. Longitudinal studies reveal that a longer duration in small class primary education equates to more considerable, enduring benefits in secondary education (Finn et al. 166). The seemingly short-term participation in class-size reduction enhances a student’s entire academic career and chance for achievement.
The existence of segregation is a cultural and moral issue that has played a crucial role in the decisions made by Texas legislature. Russell W. Ruberger and Gregory J. Palardy, authors of Does Segregation Still Matter? The Impact of Student Composition on Academic Achievement in High School, found that school segregation in America has caused an injustice to students in the public education system because of a lack of equal and fair opportunity based on information from an extensive study, the Coleman report, which was published 12 years ago preceding
America’s school system and student population remains segregated, by race and class. The inequalities that exist in schools today result from more than just poorly managed schools; they reflect the racial and socioeconomic inequities of society as a whole. Most of the problems of schools boil down to either racism in and outside the school or financial disparity between wealthy and poor school districts. Because schools receive funding through local property taxes, low-income communities start at an economic disadvantage. Less funding means fewer resources, lower quality instruction and curricula, and little to no community involvement. Even when low-income schools manage to find adequate funding, the money doesn’t solve all the school’s problems. Most important, money cannot influence student, parent, teacher, and administrator perceptions of class and race. Nor can money improve test scores and make education relevant and practical in the lives of minority students.
To begin, my observation was at Webster Elementary School, a school placed in the city surrounded by houses and other schools. The specific classroom I am observing is full of Kindergarten students who seem to very advanced than I had imagined. The classroom walls are brick and white, but the classroom teacher Mrs. O'Brien does an amazing job keeping the space use for both an upbeat and educational vibe, especially for environmental print. Everywhere you look there are educational posters, numbers, and mental state vocabulary words, as well as, students completed work. To add, students sit in medium sized tables with 4-6 other students when they aren’t having whole group instruction on either
The repetitive structure of a school day, in a way, provides me with a sense of security, an awareness of what to expect, but it can be monotonous and lack excitement. When you consider how much time students spend in school it is clear that the experience shapes their lives and can have a lasting effect. It is for this reason that it is crucial to have the correct balance of conformity and individuality for the benefit of both civilization and individuals.
When formulating a plan, it is important to remember that students do not exist in a vacuum. What is a problem behavior in one class may not be a problem in another; problem behavior from the home may never manifest in school. A key means of decreasing the frequency and intensity of problem behavior and reducing the need for more intrusive intervention procedures is enhancing a student's quality of life.
It is about that time for families to start sending their children to school. The first thing that crosses their mind is “I hope my child gets the best education I can give them.” These parents want their children to excel in their math classes, pass that test in science class, and they want them to be the best they can be. These families want the teacher to give their child the best education that they can offer. So what if the best way that teachers could give the best education to that child was to have a class size reduction? What if the smaller the class, the more that child could achieve? That teacher would be able to focus on any
“Did you know America ranks the lowest in education but the highest in drug use? It's nice to be number one, but we can fix that. All we need to do is start the war on education. If it's anywhere near as successful as our war on drugs, in no time we'll all be hooked on phonics” -Leighann (Lord) Leighamm Lord is a comedian, but when it comes to the education of children, she takes it very seriously and it is not so much a joke to her. Children are the future, and giving them the best education available is crucial to the future. Making decisions in the educational system would not only better the future, but the children’s future. These changes of segregating classrooms, will give the children a better working environment, to improve test scores, and academic advancements. Research shows that segregating classrooms would be a great step to a successful future; however, conflicting arguments to the negative and positive impacts of segregating classrooms to consider.
Class size makes a huge impact on how the student learns. Along with many other things, there is more to the amount of kids in class than most people think. The quality one on one time is affected. Along with that, important questions that the students needs clarity on from the teacher might not be able to be answered because so many other students are in the room asking their own question. Students learn in their own ways. Teachers have to be flexible to how their students learn and in order to do that they need to know their students on a personal level. When class sizes are large, it effects students in negative ways in their learning.
Many teachers believe classrooms are too small. Many teachers and students believe classrooms are not big enough. If students are working on a group activity that takes up a lot of space will have to do activity in the hallway. If students are watching a film for class will have to move or adjust because most likely students in the back of the classroom cannot see. Teachers may not have enough desks some students may end up sitting in a part of the room where it could be the size of a coat closet.
... Class size reduction is another area that would enable our school system to move forward. In a smaller size classroom, educational quality will be improved. Teachers have greater amount of time to build a solid ground for the students to flourish. Though changes need to take place in our current school system, I am thankful to be in a country where my children have the right to be educated.
Palardy, G., and R. Rumberger. Does Desegregation Matter?: The of Social Composition on Academic Achievement in Southern High Schools. N.p.: University of North Carolina, 2005. Print.