The Archetype of The Prostitute With a Heart of Gold

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The Archetype of The Prostitute With a Heart of Gold

I chose the archetype “The prostitute with a heart of gold”.

An archetype is defined as a universal idea that can take

many forms, appearing “spontaneously, at any time, at any

place, and without any outside influence” (Pygmalion’s Word

Play, Carl Jung, p. 82). When present in the unconscious,

an archetype shapes thoughts, feelings, moods, speech, and

actions. The ‘prostitute with a heart of gold’ originated in

early Greek mythology as the story of Pygmalion. Next, a

more modern version called My Fair Lady was written and

performed in the 1950’s. Then in the 1980’s the movie Pretty

Woman came out, which has the same story line as the other

two, although it is a lot more modernized and the theme of a

‘prostitute with a heart of gold’ is much more evident than

in of its predecessors. Although ‘the oldest profession’ was

just as large a factor in society in 1912 when George

Bernard Shaw’s Pygmalion play was released as it is today,

it was talked about much less freely and the idea of

reforming street girl was not as feasible as it is today.

“My Fair Lady” was one of the first versions of a poor

street girl metamorphasizing into an elegant, proper lady.

Pretty Woman can closely trace its roots back to “My Fair

Lady,” because both women reform to a better life that they

never dreamed was possible, the most striking difference

being that Pretty Woman is a more modernized version and the

evidence of prostitution is much more evident.

In the story of Pygmalion, he wanted a wife, yet he saw

too much corruption in women and always doubted their true

motives. He was a very talented sculptor, and one day he

began sculpting an ivory maiden statue. No woman wa...

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Richard Gere all each take the risk of helping these women,

and society could view them negatively for their involvement

with the lower class. Eliza and Julia take a big risk in

being stepped on and being ridiculed lower than they already

are compared to the men’s lifestyles. They are archetypal

heroes because they have strong character and are willing to

change. These women have the confidence and ability to

change and this shows society that again, anything is

possible. The only downfall was the verbal abuse both women

took from the elite class, as they were learning to adapt.

High society doesn’t appreciate or care for prostitutes, but

for everyone to be fooled and convinced of this new woman

shows their absurdity. A person has a heart of gold

regardless of their status even if it is not evident to the

naked eye.


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