The Apple Company and the Monetary Policy

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Introduction Something that almost every person in America has in their wallet is money, whether it be 20 dollars or a one dollar bill. We all use money every day to eat, survive, and get around. The money supply in America can effect a single person to a large firm like the Apple Corporation. In this paper I am going to discuss the purpose money, how the government has the chance to influence the amount of money in our economy, and the monetary policy affects the Apple Corporation. The Purpose and Function of Money What is money? Money is a medium of exchange, a store value, and a unit of account. When you think about it, money in America is just a piece of green paper or a coin with an important person on it. Even though it is a piece of paper or a coin we give it value because that is the method we use to trade. Before we had money people would have to barter, which is exchanging a good or service, for another good or service. For example, what if you were a singer and you wanted a pair of shoes. You said to the store owner I will sing you a song for this pair of shoes. What if the store owner didn't want to hear you sing for the shoes? You would have to find something else to trade for those shoes. This is why having money as a medium for exchange is very beneficial because everyone in the United States accepts money as a method of payment and there is no need to have to find something to barter. Using money for payment or exchange is called a monetary system. "Under a monetary system money is exchanged for goods or services; goods and services are exchanged for money when people sell things"(Case, Fair, Oster, 2012). Mone... ... middle of paper ... ... References Apple on the Forbes World’s Most Innovative Companies List. (n.d.). Information for the World's Business Leaders - Retrieved October 18, 2013, from Bernanke, C. (2013, June 19). Transcript of Chairman Bernanke’s Press Conference June 19, 2013 . Retrieved November 16, 2013, from Bishop, (2013) Lecture for week 10: Chapter 10 Money Bishop, (2013) Lecture for week 11: Chapter 11 Money Case, K. E., Fair, R. C., & Oster, S. M. (2012). Principles of Macroeconomics (10th ed.). Mui, Y. Q. (2013, April 17). Business . The Washington Post. Retrieved November 16, 2013, from create-jobs/

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