Growing up in a Christian church, a member of any parish could probably recite the Lord’s Prayer from the many years of repetition and orating on Sunday mornings. Another good example of another prayer that is engraved in the minds of Christians, the Apostle’s Creed, has significant resonance in any Christian community. Even though the Apostle’s Creed is not in the Bible nor is it actually created by the direct twelve Apostles of Jesus, the Apostles Creed is a continuation of the Lord 's Prayer, which stands as an important element in the Christian religions. In the New Testament, book of Matthew 6: 7-15, Matthew directs his attention to followers of Christ and advises them to not pray in vein, because God does not respond to a word count, …show more content…
The creed begins with the most general statement in the Christian rule book, the affirmation of God himself, “I believe in God, the Father Almighty, maker of heaven and earth” (Apostles’). In the book of Genesis, it is found in the first verse that “…In the beginning…God created the heavens and the earth…” (Genesis). As stated, it says “I believe”, not “I think” or “I was told”. There is a clear distinction in maturity of a Christian: youth, adolescence, and adulthood. As a young child, Christians are introduced to the entity of God. In adolescent years, Christians are analyzing God through a scope of skepticism. But in adulthood, Christians take in the glory of God and find that he governs all, which is why they assert the most powerful words of the creed, “I believe”. In the following lines of the creed, the Holy Trinity is presented and briefly identified the role they play, “…and in Jesus Christ his only Son, our Lord; who was conceived by the Holy Spirit…” (Apostles’). The placement of the Holy Trinity is without a doubt in close proximity. After the triad, the life of Jesus, from birth to sacrifice, to resurrection and ascension, is addressed, “…born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, dead, and buried; the third day he rose from the dead; he ascended …show more content…
In the beginning of both of these traditional Christian sayings, “Our father who art in heaven” counterparts “I believe in God, Almighty” (Lord’s Prayer; Apostles’). Both, by placing God before anything, stress a strong belief and respect in the Creator. Moving forth from that, “thy kingdom come” relates to “the holy catholic church” (Lord’s Prayer; Apostles’). As stated before, God is said to be present in the company of two or more in his name, therefore the church metaphorically establishes his kingdom “on earth as it is in heaven”. Written after, the people ask God to “give us this day our daily Bread” (Lord’s Prayer). Through allegory, the daily bread could be taken as Jesus, who is affirmed as “the resurrection of the body” in the creed (Apostles’). Through a similar figurative concept, the bread could also refer to the gifts of the Holy Spirit, which again are valued in the creed by encompassing the belief in the Holy Spirit, “I believe in the Holy Spirit” (Apostles’). In 1 Corinthians 12: 8-11, the “gifts” are outlined and symbolically stand for the daily bread Christians ask for in the Lord’s Prayer: “To one is given through the Spirit…” is The World of Knowledge, The Word of Wisdom, The Gift of Faith, The Gift of Healings, The Working of Miracles, The Gift of Prophecy, The Discerning of Spirits, Different Kinds of Tongues, and The Interpretation of
In order to become a Christian, one must accept the presence of God as our savior and provider of eternal life. Christians must acknowledge God’s divine nature as the mere entity of human redemption. According to Diffey (2014), the acknowledgement of God’s existence provides wisdom and fear which enforces Christians to love and obey God through the existence of three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit simply means God is spiritually present in our life. Because God spoke and created the world he is considered the “Father” of
Chapter four addresses the divisions within the Corinthian church, such as jealousy, quarrelling and their defective view of the church. The apostle Paul links their view of the church to church leadership stating “If they had a true view of the church, they would have a true view of the leaders of the church” (p79). The situation was that their view was lower for the church and higher for the leaders thus they were boasting about the leaders. Paul’s view was that the Corinthian church was spoon feed Christians not maturing as they should. Paul’s reference to addressing the church as worldly did not mean they were unregenerate because they did possess the Spirit but they were not being spiritual, not being controlled by the Holy Spirit. He goes on to say “They have experienced new birth by the Spirit but have remained babies in Christ; they have not yet become mature in Christ” (p80) The Apostle most likely would express the same opinion about many Church congregations today. Many churches are elated with their church growth, but it is often superficial. If the church does not offer a real growth opportunity the journey is short lived. The church fills up with Christians not participating in the sanctification process. As with many churches today the Corinthians had a self-serving attitude about themselves and their church. The Corinthians would have never behaved the way they did if they had a higher view of the church and what it stood for and a lesser view of the leaders. Paul outlines three visions of the church “each of which has important implications” (p82). The first metaphor is agricultural: God’s field (v9) 9 For we are co-workers in God’s service; you are God’s field, God...
Christianity is the most widespread religion in the world with two billion followers. Many aspects of Christianity are based on Judaism (Tiemann 526). Christianity is based on the life, teachings, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Christ’s message to everyone is personal salvation and also promises faith and love triumphs over sin and death. The origins of Christianity are based on the book that Christians read, the Holy Bible. Christians believe the Bible is God’s word. In the Bible, God talks about The Ten Commandments. The Ten Commandments are agreements between God and his chosen people. Christianity is an example of monotheism. What makes up the God that Christians believe is God the Father, God the son and God the Holy Spirit. The three of these makes up the Trinity of Christianity (Brown 76). Some of the Christian practices are gathering at churches for worship, fellowship and engage in the world through evangelism. One of the beliefs that Christians have is Jesus will come back to earth and take those who believe in Him back to Heaven.
According to a Christian, there is one true God, and he revealed Himself through the Holy trinity, which is made up of three people; Father, Son and Holy Spirit. They also believe that God alone created the world and everything that encompasses it from nothing in six days. They believe that the world was good until Adam sinned against God, and now all people are born into sin. They believe that God sent his only son Jesus to save the world from sin and that Jesus died for all their sins and rose from the dead. They believe that the Holy bible is the sacred word before and after Jesus’s time and that they should live by it to please God and thank him for his son. They believe that people are saved by faith through the grace of Jesus Christ.
Throughout history there has been one common denominator in Christian congregations worldwide. The single most important aspect that is universal of each Christian denomination is the belief that God and Jesus are one. As defined by the Trinity, The father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit make up God. The truth of the unification of Jesus and the Father is manifested in multiple ways. God has the sole power to create in the universe and in the Bible it says that through Jesus all things were created. The union of God and Jesus is also shown in the Forgiveness of Sins. According to the Old Testament forgiveness of sins is a power reserved exclusively for God the Father and in the New Testament it very clearly displays Jesus as one who was sent to forgive us of our sins. The Nicene Creed is right in saying that Jesus and God are one because creation and forgiveness of sins are actions reserved for God that Jesus also carry outs. Since Jesus possesses the ability to do things that God has left for himself, it is apparent that Jesus and God are one.
Simply stated, “the word "gospel" means simply good news.” With that definition, then the good news would summarize all of the information found in the New Testament and the teachings of Jesus Christ. The Apostle Paul recaps the most basic components in the gospel message. These are found in 1 Corinthians 15:1-8, specifically listed in 15:3-4 (NRSV) “For I handed on to you as of first importance what I in turn had received: that Christ died for our sins in accordance with the scriptures, and that he was buried, and that he was raised on the third day in accordance with the scriptures,”. “These verses, which were an early Christian confession, give us the heart of the gospel” and show the importance of three incidents; that Christ died
Mitchell, Curtis C. 1984. "The case for persistence in prayer." Journal Of The Evangelical Theological Society 27, no. 2: 161-168. ATLA Religion Database with ATLASerials, EBSCOhost (accessed March 16, 2014).
In the novel, In His Steps, Henry Maxwell was the Reverend of the First Church of Raymond. At the beginning of the novel, he viewed the Rectangle, an area in the town of Raymond, and other places like it with fear and dislike. This was because these places were full of sin, drunkenness and immorality. He did not believe that it was a city full of children and disciples of God.
The five of the teachings of Jesus are the following: Be Merciful (Luke 6:36, Matthew 5:7, Forgiveness (Luke6: 37), Seek Goodness (Luke 6:45), Respect Others (Luke 14:11), and Be Kind (Luke 6:31).
We will be discussing the two most popular prayer traditions of the ti... ... middle of paper ... ..., both during the time of Jesus and today. For thine is the Kingdom, the Power, And the Glory, for ever. Amen Matthew 6:13b KJV References Balentine, S. (1993). Prayer in the Hebrew Bible Minneapolis: Fortress Press.
The Trinity is made up of God the Father, God the Son, and the Holy Spirit. This concept is what many Catholics believe in, but other worldwide religions believe in other beliefs. Out of all the three Divine Persons, “Jesus is the most qualified to bring the renewal of creation because it was through him that creation came into being” (Pohle February 7th). We as humans will have to face the consequences for actions that we have done in the past, present and future. Jesus has come into the world as a human to show his dignity and save us from sin; he was the world and of all creation. As we come to read more about Jesus we get to know Jesus more, we learn about what he did, how he did it and why he had to do these saving actions.
The Doctrine of Salvation (Soteriology). God provides us with everything we need; we see this in Genesis where he provided Adam with everything he needed. Jesus became a man by reincarnation; a verse to support this is John 1:14 “
Is it possible to understand the gospel message, serve as an officer in a church, be sure of your salvation, and yet still not get into heaven when you die? Matthew, one of the original twelve disciples, answered this question clearly. Yes, on “that day”, many will stand before God and hear Him say, “I know you not; depart from me.” (Matthew 7:23 KJV)
The Creeds of the church were key parts of the origins of the church. They lay the foundation for the first years of the church in order to accomplish the mission given to the Apostles by Jesus. Two of these creeds were the Apostles Creed and the Nicene Creed. Culture during that time period was key to the layout of these creeds and the messages they set. A creed was an early statement of Christian beliefs, and a symbol for others to follow by. There were numerous cultures and needs that led to the ultimate development and writing of the creeds, which are still used for their original purpose today. One of these needs was for the church to have a basic statement of beliefs, which was accomplished by the Apostles creed. Early Christians knew that people needed to have an understanding of what they believed in that wasn’t requiring a lot of research. Cultures of the people and the time period also had a great influence on the creation of these creeds. They needed a way to spread the word of Christ to all people, in a time period where we didn’t have the technology and communication options that we have today. A combination of the churches basic needs for success and the fact that the word needed to be spread were two of the leading causes in the creations of these creeds.
The answer can be found in God’s Word. Colossians 1:13¬¬–20 explains all that humanity needs to know in order to begin understanding the Deity of Christ, who He is and how He and God are One. This passage talks of Christ being the Firstborn over all Creation (Colossians 1:15) and how in Him, everything has come into being (Colossians 1:16). Jesus Christ, being on earth as God incarnate dwelt amongst the people claiming to be God. Colossians 1:18 (NIV) says “He is the head of the body, the church; He is the beginning and the firstborn from among the dead, so that in