The Analysis of Autism Facilitates Neuroanatomical Investigations
Studying the functions of the various structures of the brain is best carried out through analysis of brain defects. For example, individuals with autism exhibit particular behaviors that are not considered normal. Assuming that behavior originates from the brain, then it becomes clear that in order to discover the causes of the abnormal behavior a comparison must be made between and healthy brain and the brain of an autistic person. By finding structural differences such as size and composition, the role that the structures play in the behavior of the autistic can be inferred while also investigating the normal functions of brain structures.
There are several differences between a healthy brain and the brain of an autistic person. Dr. Joseph Piven from the University of Iowa noticed a size difference . In the autistic brain, the cerebellum is larger and the corpus callosum is smaller. Another study showed that the amygdala and the hippocampus are different in an autistic brain. In an autistic these structures have densely packed neurons and the neurons are smaller than those in a healthy brain. Also, in the cerebellum there is a noticeable reduction in the number of Purkinje cells.
Structure and function can not be separated from one another and changes in one indicate alterations in the other. Because an autistic person has brain defects, a reasonable assumption is made that changes in structure will alter the behavior. An autistic person is characterized by having impaired social interaction, difficulty with communication both verbal and nonverbal, trouble with imagination, and limited activities and interests. By analyzing the abnormal behaviors of the autistic person, the roles that the cerebellum, the corpus callosum, the amygdala, and the hippocampus play in the disease can be inferred.
The cerebellum is usually associated with motor movements. Concerning this topic it is interesting to note the research of Dr. Eric Courchesne. He found that the VI and VII lobes of the cerebellum were smaller in autistics than those of a normal brain. This condition is called hypoplasia. The reverse condition, which is what Piven encountered, is called hyperplasia. Courchesne linked the cerebellum with attention shifting . He proposed that the autistic takes longer time to change the focus of his attention. He believed that this condition was caused by lack of development of the cerebellum in utero caused by perhaps oxygen deprivation, infection, toxic exposure, or genetically.
In December 2009, Comcast announced its intent to acquire a majority stake in the media conglomerate NBC Universal from General Electronic. “our decision to acquire GE’s ownership is driven by our sense of optimism for the future prospects of NBC universals and our desire to capture future value that we hope to create for our shareholders” says Comcast CEO Brian Roberts( 2009): The planned acquisition was scrutinized by activists and government officials; their concerns primarily was the potential effects of the vertical integration that the acquisition could create, as Comcast is also greatly involved in cable television and internet services in a vast amount of the media markets.
Rodriguez, Richard. “The Achievement of Desire.” Ways of Reading: An Anthology for Writers. Eds. David Bartholomae and Anthony Pertosky. 9th ed. Boston: Bedford, 2011. 515-532 Print
Hulman, John. University Of California, San Diego. "Autism Linked To Mirror Neuron Dysfunction.”ScienceDaily, 18 Apr. 2005. 1-4.Web. 29 Nov. 2013.
Two ideas about the nervous system that can be better understood from these observations are the concepts of having and locating the I-function. It seems that the I-function here is very often affected in terms of voluntary movement. A person with Arnold-Chiari malformation who has lost the feeling in and control of his arm for example will not be able to move it even upon someone's request and his or her own desire to do so. Some use of the I-function is definitely impaired. However, these observations do not seem to necessarily imply that some part of the I-function was damaged, because it may very well be located elsewhere- connections may have simply been lost. A person with Arnold-Chiari can still think and have a sense of self, but somehow can not connect with the various body parts that can be affected. Some uses and pathways of the I-function can be understood, but the exact location of it remains vague.
The United States minimum wage is not indexed to inflation. Due to this fact, the purchasing power of minimum wage falls as the price of consumer goods increases. The current hourly minimum wage is set at $7.25, however many states do pay above this rate. One example of this is in Michigan, the current hourly minimum wage is $7.40. The last time a change occurred to raise minimum wage was in 2009. President Obama has put out a proposal that is designed to raise the federally required hourly minimum wage to $10.10 in 2015. The public opinion of this proposal is all over the board ranging from a positive outlook to a negative one. Some of the negative remarks are that it would dampen the economy and shrink the hiring done by small businesses. “The Household Survival Budget for the average New Jersey family of four is $58,500 and for a single adult is $25,368 in 2010. These numbers highl...
"Should The Federal Minimum Wage Be Raised?." U.S. News Digital Weekly 5.18 (2013): 14. Academic Search Premier. Web. 31 Mar. 2016.
What is minimum wage? Minimum wage is the lowest hourly rate (dollars per hour) that employers can pay their employees. According to Minnesota’s minnimum wage is $7.25 per hour but will be getting raised to $9.00 per hour. Minnesota’s minimum wage is a common rate among many states such as Texas, South Dakota, and Iowa. Oregon and Washington are states that currently have their minimum wage rate set at or above $9.00 per hour. For both of these states, raising minimum wage has not necessarily decreased the poverty line. Both Oregon and Washington are still among the top 20 states for high poverty rates while New Hampshire has the lowest poverty rate and also has minimum wage set at $7.25 per hour.
One of the most characteristic features of Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) is its prominent higher prevalence among the male gender in comparison with the female gender. Although rates of ASD are consistent across cultures, these rates vary significantly by gender. It is the male gender that seems to be more affected by ASD with an average male-to-female ratio of 4.2:1, affecting 1 in 70 males and only 1 in 315 females (Fombonne, 2009). Although a well-known fact, the causes for such a great difference among sex ratios still remains unexplained, there are several hypotheses and studies trying to explain the reason for this inequality. In this paper I will outline some of the different attempts to explain the differences between the sex ratios. Among these attempts we can find diverse hypotheses that vary from the role of the sex hormones and genetic vulnerability to the biases of medical professionals during the diagnostic process (Goldman, 2013).
Gitterman, Daniel P. “Remaking A Bargain: The Political Logic Of The Minimum Wage In The United States.” Poverty And Public Policy 5.1 (2013): 3-36. EconLit. Web. 24 Oct. 2013.
Office of Communications and Public Liaison. (2013, November 6). NIH. Retrieved from National Institute of Neurological Disorder and Stroke:
What is Minimum Wage: Its History and Effects on the Economy. The Heritage Foundation. Retrieved April 20, 2014, from
"American Enterprise Institute." Why We Shouldn't Raise the Minimum Wage. N.p., n.d. Web. 13 Mar. 2014.
“Minimum Wage Mythbusters” United States Department of Labor. U.S. Department of Labor, n.d. Web. 5 May 2104.
America is currently working on the issue of whether the minimum wage should be increased from $7.25 to $10.10 and economists are studying the effects of the possible increase. Minimum wage workers deal with struggles such as affording health care, paying for education, providing food for their families, putting many hours of work in while making little income and paying their bills. America’s decision to raise the minimum wage would help low wage workers to make higher incomes and would overall strengthen the economy, pulling Americans out of poverty. Americans may hold a minimum wage job if they do not have money to attend a college or university to obtain a degree in order to find a career.
Bernstein, Jared. “Would Raising the Minimum Wage Harm the Economy?” The CQ Researcher 16 Dec. 2005:1069.