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Research about tobacco use and lung cancer
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Recommended: Research about tobacco use and lung cancer
On April 9th, 2014, The American Cancer Society sponsored Relay For Life in support of people who have battled cancer, who have lost loved ones, and who will continue to fight against the disease. This event was suitable for our Tobacco team because it allowed us to educationally campaign the harmful dangers that are correlated with smoking or chewing tobacco. After several meetings of preparing, our group was able to attend Relay For Life and achieve effective tobacco awareness activities, interactions, results, and analytical data. Beginning with our first activity, Dear Tobacco, our idea was to get students to actively participate in voicing their opinions/ experiences on the use of tobacco whether it is positive or negative by writing a letter to the tobacco companies. Preparing for Dear Tobacco was very simple because the only supplies needed were clipboards, paper, and pens. In the beginning, it was tricky attracting participant’s to complete the activity but as a group we had to make it clear that this was an activity where they could be known or unknown, positive or negative, explicit or implicit, and that they could write as short as a word or as long as an essay. The purpose of Dear Tobacco was to give the participants the opportunity to express their opinions/ experiences on tobacco without any restrictions. As students were doing their laps around the room, our group had to be creative but yet quick in how we could pull in the audience before they would walk right past us. Luckily, we had several chances so if anybody tried to disregard us, we would try something new and get them involved the next time they came around. Once one of our team members had their attention we would offer the Dear Tobacco activity and if the...
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... interesting facts on our tri-fold poster or pamphlets. Upon completion of the subscription card our group would then give them a pamphlet containing more information on tobacco and ways to seek treatment. All of the subscription cards were placed into a mail box look-alike that gave our activity that realistic edge. Successfully, our activity resulted in 31 participants and ranked third in comparison to the rest of our four activities. In conclusion, our group has learned a valuable experience from presenting an educational campaign at Relay For Life. We were able to work together as a team and accomplish our goals of making creative activities that could inform others of the harmful risks of tobacco. All in all, the outcome of our project proved to be effective in tobacco prevention awareness thanks to the collaboration of activities and interactions of our team.
Susan G Komen for the Cure is a very well know charity that raises funds for breast cancer. They host walks, sell merchandise, educate, and sponsor events. Every year they raise millions of dollars for research and to support those who have breast cancer. The charity originated in 1982 when Nancy G Brinker started it in honor of her sister Susan. Susan Passed away from breast cancer in 1980 and the charity was a part of Nancy’s promise to Susan that she would put a stop to breast cancer. For a long time Susan G Komen for the Cure has been considered one of the best cancer related charities there is, but lately it has come under fire.
The Susan G. Komen Foundation, a non-profit organization dedicated to eliminating breast cancer, suffered a PR disaster four years ago and has yet to recover from the bad press of this unpopular decision. In 2012, the Susan G. Komen Foundation decided to end their financial support of Planned Parenthood, the nation’s largest provider of family reproductive services (including abortion). This action resulted in an immediate public backlash and ignited a fierce political debate. In the middle of this controversy, the New York Times published an article in which women who had previously participated in the Susan G. Komen cancer walk were asked their opinion of the decision to cut Planned Parenthood funding. Sarah Robertson, who completed the 39.3-mile walk last year stated “I personally wouldn’t walk for Komen,” citing the
We are privileged to have our own Ronald McDonald House here in Omaha, located at 620 South 38th Avenue in the downtown area. In 2013, the Omaha Ronald McDonald House recycled around 35 million pop tabs donated by local schools, businesses, organizations, and families. Additionally, the chapter holds various fundraisers throughout the year, open to public participation. Some of this year’s upcoming events are the Omaha Golf Classic at Shadow Ridge Country Club, the Kids and Clays Shooting Sports Tournament in Brainard, Nebraska, the vinNebraska Wine Event, and the Wings and Wheels Auto and Air Show. If you would like to volunteer or learn more about Ronald McDonald House Charities or the Omaha chapter, visit www.rmhcomaha.org or www.rmhc.org .
When people watch TV and a March of Dimes commercial comes on, how do they feel? Most people see the premature babies and it upsets them. They start feeling bad and begin to wonder what they could do to help, which is the goal of March of Dimes. March of Dimes has been fighting to save babies since 2003. They work everyday to find donations to fund life-saving research on what causes prematurity. Their commercials and advertisements are so strong because they need as many people to donate as possible. The March of Dimes campaign uses mostly pathos to advertise their charity and persuade people to join them.
It is important to know how the Red Cross began. It was in June 1859 when Henry Dunant went to Solferino, north of Italy. He was a spectator of a small but bloody war. French and Italians had a battle against Austrians. There were more or less 40,000 victims. He was completely horrified with the scene. He interrupted his trip to help the hurt and organized volunteers to save lives.
During most of my grade school and middle school years, I had been exposed to the Students Against Destructive Decisions Programs, both at school and through my father’s occupation as a therapist. I recall vividly participating or aiding in many of their health fairs and events. After school or on weekends, as a grade school student I handed out stickers, informational brochures and sometimes candy or balloons to get other students and or their parents interested in the healthy information at our booth. I became known as one of the youngest and persistent volunteers. One could not get by our booth without either a sticker or a balloon, and most certainly, useful information.
The American Cancer Society’s main concern is assisting people, making profits come second. The American Cancer Society helps patient’s life by finding cures. “For over 100 years, the American Cancer Society (ACS) has worked relentlessly to save lives and create a world with less cancer. Together with millions of our supporters worldwide, we help people stay well and get well, find cures, and fight back against cancer” (American Cancer Society, 2015a). Many people in this world see the importance of the organization and find the interest in donating money or providing anything to help the cause.
Having a wish fulfilled is a desire everyone keeps, but granting one is a special characteristic of a chosen few. Such is the ideology of the Make a wish foundation. This simple, but powerful belief is what drives the Make-A-Wish foundation. For children who must face the uncertainty of a tomorrow, due to their rapidly deteriorating health, a wish is more than just a desire. It’s a hope. Hope is what carries us out of the darkest of slums, to keep going. To face a tomorrow. Make-A-Wish is committed to granting the wish of every eligible child. They do this believing that wishes can make sick children feel better, and sometimes, when they feel better, they get better. Since the spring of 1980, they have been granting the wishes of children diagnosed with a life-threatening medical conditions. The make a wish foundation has the ability to not only unite a society as whole and further the awareness of life threatening illnesses, but also gives hope to individuals and a community as a whole.
The American Cancer Society is a volunteer-based organization that is present across the United States. Its main purpose is to raise money and awareness about the severity and prevalence of cancer. Cancer education and research is where most of the focus and monetary donations are used for. The American Cancer Society strives to fulfill their goal of “less cancer and more birthdays” across all generations and populations (ACS Inc., 2011).
Standing at one of the city’s busiest intersections, my friends and I had been waving “Let Harlingen Be Smoke Free” posters for the past three hours. I secretly wanted to go home already, as any other fourteen-year-old boy would, but I knew we had a goal to accomplish. Our mission, as members of the Harlingen Smokebusters, was to help the city pass a non-smoking ordinance.
Smoking cigarettes is a detrimental practice not only to the smoker, but also to everyone around the smoker. According to an article from the American Lung Association, “Health Effects” (n.d.), “Smoking is the leading cause of preventable death in the U.S., causing over 438,000 deaths per year”. The umbrella term for tobacco use includes the use of cigarettes, cigars, e-cigs and chewing tobacco. While tobacco causes adverse health consequences, it also has been a unifying factor for change in public health. While the tobacco industries targets specific populations, public health specifically targets smokers, possible smokers, and the public to influence cessation, policies and education.
Each day, millions of Americans of all ages light up a cigarette distributed by the tobacco companies. Smoking is a habit that, in the long run, causes cancer and other diseases associated with the lungs. Now, this deadly cancer causing drug is one of the leading causes of death in America today. Some may argue that it is a person¹s choice to smoke and that the tobacco companies are innocent because of this. In actuality, the tobacco companies are to blame for toying with the lives of millions of Americans. For many years, the tobacco companies have been keeping secrets from the American public and lied about the true effects of cigarette smoking causing our older generations¹ deaths. The tobacco companies now have warning labels on packs of cigarettes and are seeking another generation to kill by aiming their campaign at young teens that don¹t read labels. They are increasing the potency of the nicotine to ³hook² more smokers as well.
My first topic is the health risks and problems that smoking tobacco causes. Tobacco is the leading cause of preventable illness and death in the United States. Smoking costs the United States over $150 billion annually in health care costs. They cause an estimated 443,000 deaths each year. They cause many different cancers like chronic lung disease, emphysema, bronchitis, and heart disease. Smoking causes many other types of cancer, including cancers of the throat, mouth, nasal cavity, esophagus, stomach, pancreas, kidney, bladder, and cervix, and even leukemia has been found linked to smoking. Also, people who smoke are up to six times more likely to suffer a heart attack than nonsmokers, and the risk increases with the number of cigarettes smoked. Smoking also causes most cases of chronic obstructive lung disease. Also, approximately 49,400 deaths have been due to exposure to secondhand smoke. 3,000 nonsmoking adults die of diseases caused by exposure to second hand smoke every year.
Ninety percent of smokers begin before the age nineteen. Tobacco is the leading cause of preventable death in the United States. Thirty percent of teenagers that smoke continue to smoke and die early because of it. Studies have also show that the first time tobacco is introduced in one’s life is before graduation. (11 facts about teen smoking) Teen smoking is not only dangerous but is also very deadly. Over thirteen hundred people in the United States die a day because of smoking, so if we can decrease the amount of teen smoking would decrease those numbers dramatically. If we as people would help show those who smoke the cost of how much money they spend just in a month own cigarettes just that could change their mind. Many of the one is who smoke tend to have problems financially. We need to show them that cigarettes cost so much and could increase the amount of money they could have for themselves or for other things that they need at home or for some can help pay for their
Philanthropy, or the act of private and voluntary giving, has been a familiar term since it first entered the English language in the seventeenth century. Translated from the Latin term “philanthropia” or “love of mankind,” philanthropy permeates many social spheres and serves several social purposes including charity, humanitarianism, religious morality and even manipulation for social control.