The Alchemist

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Love is an integral part of life and the human experience, which shapes one’s perspective of the world. Love is not just romantic, but can also be seen as love for a craft or a passion and motivation to complete a goal. In the Alchemist, love is often referred to as “the language of the world”. Love is a motivator for many people to follow their dreams. But for many, this language of love can often be ignored, which leads people to have less faith in themselves and give up on their dreams. At many points in Santiago’s life he struggled with listening to the language of the world, but by the end of the book he truly embraced love and its language, which helped him find the resolve and courage that was already in him, to complete his personal …show more content…

This love was worldly and stagnant, which would have kept Santiago from pursuing his personal legend. This type of love can be seen as the world’s greatest. Santiago may believe it is his fate to become a wealthy shepard with a large herd and marry the merchant's daughter. But he soon learns what love really is when he speaks with Melchizedek. Melchizedek introduces Santiago to the idea of the spirit of the world, a personal legend and the world’s greatest lie. These concepts of life help introduce Santiago to true love, which is the language of the world, by opening his eyes to new opportunities and goals. This reveals that he is not defined by his stature in society or by the opinions of others, but by his personal legend. This motivates Santiago to pursue his personal legend, which leads him closer to finding the meaning of the language of the world. Although Santiago has yet to fully experience the language of the world, he slowly realizes what it is with his time with the crystal merchant. At first, Santiago thinks love is very simplistic and based off of his worth to …show more content…

The merchant is unwilling to take the risk, but Santiago retorts with his own experiences of taking risks. “When I took my sheep through the fields, some of them might have died if we had come upon a snake. But that’s the way life is with sheep and with shepherds (54). Even though Santiago was not aware of it, he has been listening to the language of the world as he has been taking risks his whole life. Now with his new found purpose in life he has now become much more aware of this and continues to take risks with the crystal merchant which made the crystal merchant aware of life yet he was still too scared to take risks yet still pushed Santiago to complete his personal legend by going to Egypt which continued his journey of learning and experiencing the language of the world. In the final stretch of Santiago’s journey, he must travel across the desert in a caravan. As he traveled with this caravan he became more and more aware of the world around him, which furthered his understanding of the language of the world. He eventually arrived with the caravan to an oasis, which was where his journey for true love and understanding of the language of the world became very

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