The 360-Degree Performance Evaluation is More Effective than the Standard Performance Evaluation

1961 Words4 Pages

Performance Evaluations as an Effective Measuring Tool

There are several types of evaluations used by public and non-public organizations. Unusually, performance evaluations consist of the employee and the supervisor. However, the 360 Degree Performance requires more than the supervisor’s perspective. It should also include the co-worker’s point of view (by answering a simple set of questions). This evaluation enforces accountability and produces self-worth and a sense of fairness. Many performance evaluations are limited. However, in using the 360 Degree Performance as a measuring tool, it has been found to be a more accurate way to evaluate an employee’s work performance.

The issue is whether or not performance evaluations are an effective measuring tool for evaluating an employee’s knowledge and skills within the organization. Better yet, should employers use performance evaluations at all, or should they design personal organizational goals for each employee? This research paper will examine the effectiveness of performance evaluations, from a narrow point of view (standardize evaluation) to a boarder outlook (360 degree performance evaluation), and by enforcing the accountability from management and the staff, in meeting the overall organizational goal.

Article 27 (1) defines performance evaluation as “a constructive process to acknowledge the performance of a non-probationary career employee. An employee’s evaluation shall be sufficiently specific to inform and guide the employee in the performance of her/his duties. Performance evaluation is not in and of itself a disciplinary procedure.” This procedure is usually provided by the Human Resource Depa...

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