Thaking a Fast Look at Economist Henry Charles Carey

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I. An Economist at Work
Henry Charles Carey was known as an advocate of trade barriers and has devoted himself to the study of economic issues with his published work of Essay on the Rate of Wages as he accepted the British free trade doctrine of laissez-faire and at the same time rejected David Ricardo's doctrine of rent, and Thomas Malthus's doctrine of the continuous diminishing resources. Carey argued that the application of capital and human invention overcomes the limitations of infertile soils and further elaborated on his economic ideas in the publication of his

1Internet Archive, Henry Charles Carey from the Web.
2Andrew Dawson, Reassessing Henry Carey (1739-1879): The Problems of Writing Political Economy in Nineteenth Century America
Principles of Economy stating that land obtains its value from the capital exhausted on it, and that the increase in the workers' wages than only on the returns of capital tends toward a progressive distribution of wealth among the society’s poorest classes. Carey worked his thoughts into a systematic body of doctrine with his publication of three volumes of his Principles of Political Economy. Carey became more devoted to his theories as the financial and economic depression that followed the 1837 panic were seen as urgent reasons for the continuous advocacy of protection and against free trade. Carey’s 1848 book of the Past, Present, and Future became influential making Carey a regular contributor to the New York Tribune wherein a correspondence with leading political figures was established on major economic and finance issues.
Carey's The Harmony of Interests: Agricultural, Manufacturing & Commercial in 1851 attacked on British economic doctrines d...

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...hose less arable.”3 Malthus and Ricardo both conformed to this assertion as the “oligarchical mindset of their imperial masters – steal the most valuable things first.”4 Carey in response elaborated on how the settlers of the American continent developed first the least fertile land and through human creativity itnessed by such technological most valuable things first – Carey developed in detail how the settlers of the American continent in fact developed the least fertile first and through human creativity such as the technological innovations some of which were the steam engines, drainage, canals, and agricultural implements greatly advanced over the Europeans’ production per acre of farm land.
3E. Peshine Smith, A Manual of Political Economy, Henry Carey Baird, Philadelphia, 1872, p. 16.
4Smith, A Manual of Political Economy, p.16.

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